I've just found Midnight Madness mode on Junk Yard by accident (by playing the table when (in this case PC clock) it reaches midnight) - is this the sort of thing hidden in some tables ROM, I'd expect many of the original tables in arcades wouldn't have ever been played at midnight.
I've googled it and I'm fairly sure attract mode is the bit at the end of the game where 2 numbers match - default setting is normal, other setting think you can click a button (probably the launch button) to skip it.
I now know where the music on BlahCade podcast came from - High Speed II...
New video from Zen about making the tables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfrwXSF6YtI
They have a book by Carla Gottlieb in the background, which isn't there by the time it gets to the end of the video - random, or are they trying to tell us something?
Nice touch adding flyer as table mastery rewards for at least the Fish Tales table - haven't got far enough with the others yet to see if they have them as well.
Just realised that a different way of doing it is to use the Steam ID's on the other thread and look at them to see who has played FX3 - maybe I didn't think it through, but at least this can point to the other thread for anyone who didn't know about it (I hadn't seen it until earlier yesterday).
I couldn't see a thread for Steam ID's specifically for FX3 (only for TPA), so I've just made a new one - think that's the best way to do it, but correct me if you think its better done a different way.
There is a thread for TPA steam ID's but wasn't one for Pinball FX3. I've not played much of TPA but have been playing lots of FX3 so think a new thread is beneficial rather than cluttering up the other one (here).
Try and do it same way as the other thread, copy the current list of Steam...
The new achievements are :
Nice Catch!
Score a Super Jackpot on the Fish Tales™ table. (Single player only)
King of all Kingdoms
Start the Battle for the Kingdom mode on the Medieval Madness™ table. (Single player only)
High Speed
Start the Redline Mania on The Getaway: High Speed II™...
I tried a 3 ball game as well (with wizard rewind, multi-ball bonus, and time saver), got over 1B, and first time I started all 6 year modes (just didn't finish the last one to get to wizard mode) which is 2 further than I've got before - still not in top 300 for the table though! Can't see...
Ah, so it is. Got to over 200M on third go anyway so not terrible at least.
Is it just me, or does the end of ball score shown on the DMD not match the (much smaller) score that gets added to the total?
Maybe your 4th or 5th attempts will be better.
I've had 2 goes so far and got 194M on my second try - know I can do better (possibly with a bit more luck than skill!!), used half the rewind power at the end failing to stop the ball draining down the middle.
Thanks for setting it up SYT, BttF...
There is a thread on Zen's forums - was released (briefly) by mistake on Xbox a week ago, then it disappeared from the coming soon list when they removed it for now. Still getting released as planned on October 9th.
Think I've got the hang of this table now, finally made it to wizard mode, and got halfway through the table a second time. Went from 253M to 626M, into the top 100 at last at position 63! Top score is still 5x that - no idea how to get anywhere near it.
Been playing Adventure Land today, and got a great single ball challenge score of 165M, so tried a normal 3 ball game straight after and got an even higher score with my first ball, collected 2 extra balls then had my 2 extra balls drain almost immediately, and after the other 2 only ended up at...
I read about Telltale Games yesterday. I liked all their earlier adventure/puzzle games - Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, Monkey Island, and Back to the Future. Not so keen when they went to the cinematic/story telling type of game, I bought Jurrasic Park but stopped somewhere in episode 2; did...
Has it been mentioned anywhere if the "default" number of tables (where there aren't limitations caused by third party licenses) in a Williams pack is going to be 3 or 4 tables? Just with the first 4 tables being 1 free table, and 3 paid for not sure if that should be considered as a pack of 4...
Maybe its a good thing it took that long for Zen to get the license; there is the question of whether all the features in FX3 would have been developed regardless if Zen had got the license in 2016, or would they have carried on with FX2 and only added some of what was added in FX3. Either way...
Noticed someone else had an Earth Defense tournament running. I ended up with 118.7M on first attempt, but that was with wizard powers although rewind only at level 2. Second attempt less than half that.
I'm definitely getting better at this. Just tried single ball challenge as I hadn't got...
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