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  1. superballs

    Pro Pinball

    Four of them per table. Might end up with more this time, plus, there's landscape/portrait/cab views to consider.
  2. superballs

    First Impressions: High Roller Casino

    Is the iPad1 even officially supported for this game? You shouldn't have to invest another 400$ at this point, I think you could probably do well with an older ipad 3. Or come on over to Android...we have cookies :) Point is, if the ball is choppy on both this and ripleys, then it's likely...
  3. superballs

    Pro Pinball

    Have you ever played a pro pinball game?
  4. superballs

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    I read all these people saying they won't contribute because of this or that or this or that. Point is, all KS tables have been delivered (some were delayed yes) unless the table for some reason hasn't been released for a new platform (or 360), and with the exception of TZ being too easy (not...
  5. superballs

    Zaccharia for Android: Initial Release Discussion

    Sometimes it's just so awesome being wrong. I didn't think we would see this but I was hoping beyond hope that we would. I play on a 2012 nexus 7 and a note 2. A current Gen note 10.1 might be in my future
  6. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    ok i'm in now...where's everyone...every time i'm in there there are like 4 people not talking to each other....come on peeps...i'm soooo looooonellyyyyyyy
  7. superballs

    Engine needs upgrade

    In my experience, FP does NOT run better on identical hardware (have been running it for a long time and I need to disable features to get it to run smoothly where TPA runs like silk). FP also does not emulate anything, all tables are scripted. At it's peak it does look better but it doesn't...
  8. superballs

    What's Better, TPA or VP?

    Looking really nice. I've been very impressed with the advances of vp of late. I read that the dx9 helps with performance. Is this true? I had to leave Vp behind since most new tables ran very choppy for me
  9. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I'm literally going through heretic withdrawal. I was on the v4musclebike forum today at work and read through a wall of text full of psychotic gibberish rantings and pretended it was you hairy.
  10. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    What's twittwer?
  11. superballs

    Android - Request One more touch scheme for portrait

    I wish they would add a touch zone between the flippers for upward nudging when in shake nudge mode.
  12. superballs

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    Wow, I've been away and barely lurking the past couple weeks. On Friday I finally got my motorcycle and a week later I find out they are finally getting this table. It's not the greatest table in my opinion but it is enjoyable and definitely belongs in the collection, so I'm glad to see it and...
  13. superballs

    High Roller Casino Screenshots

    Wow, another table I've actually played. This is a fun table though I never got to spend much time with it. I doubt they will have the front spin the ball gets off the flipper making it possible to hit two drop targets in one shot though.
  14. superballs

    On Banning...

    I only have one feeling and it's hurt. Thanks for hurting my feeling.
  15. superballs

    On Banning...

    Both skill_shot and and mark had valid points but I wonder if they had some deep issues and insecurities, especially when their ideas are challenged. Maybe they don't realize that message boards are actually someone's private property and free speech rights don't actually apply. I think it...
  16. superballs

    What's Better, TPA or VP?

    I love both. Each have their quirks and each have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm thankful for both. I run both I give both my money.
  17. superballs

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    The table isn't without its charm. It most certainly deserves a place in tpa, I will never argue that. I also think it will be a top selling table, as whether it's a blockbuster or lackluster, it's a very popular item. I will certainly support a kickstarter for it. I'd like to see it in the...
  18. superballs

    Farewell my friends

    Yeah man there are a couple people here who don't actually work for farsight. you're always welcome here.
  19. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Lol I've been watching. still love you man
  20. superballs

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Oh great now we have to play nice again. Welcome back buddy

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