Even 1280 X 720 it's hard to make out details on the tables. While in a few instances it's due to poor textures. For the most part these things are better at higher resolutions or in portrait modes that more correctly fit a pinball machine.
I'm assuming it means upper flipper control as well or two stage flippers.
With the setting on. It would allow you, as long as you have analog triggers, to control the upper flipper separately from the lower flipper. A slight pull of the trigger will activate the lower flipper and pulling...
Nope, replying is way more fun. It'll come out when it's out, otherwise pressing triggers or a touch screen is the way it's played, in the end, cab support isn't going to magically make the flippers behave correctly, nor will it improve any truly important aspect of the game. It will be cool...
Mobile version is atrocious. Atari promised that the pc version is supposed to be what fans have been asking for and a full fledged and proper pc game.
All 3 games are available at gog.com as well and sometimes for an unbelievable price.
This series mercilessly slaughtered hours of my life and...
My Co - worker does birthday cakes for our birthdays every month.
This month has my birthday and this is what they made for me
I thought it was pretty cool
All four of these at once.
Every time mobile technology improves pc technology improves. Unless they start making mobile phones the size of computer chassis there is no way mobile components can accommodate as many transistors or as much circuitry or the amount of heat dissipation or as high a...
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