I know I'm a bunch late on this but I'm not around so much lately.
just wanted to chime in that while the first game with Tokarski was nervewraking, he did his job and played amazing when he was needed. Montreal's undoing was certainly not goaltending, but I think the series against Boston...
Congrats in advance on the new little one,
It's been a good ride even if bumpy sometimes it's still been a blast.
So long man, and thanks for all the fish.
My response is actually mostly covered in the next quoted post
I was going to make the same comment about shifting, up or down will launch the ball.
In the video mode while the screen says "video mode" you simply shift up so that you start driving in 5th get to maximize points. downshifting is...
Hate to be "that guy" but did you give hydro thunder a couple plays at least? That game is amazing fun. In fact it's almost enough reason in and of itself to have a dreamcast on hand.
I have no idea about this table but I've seen a few here who are pretty excited about it and I tend to be open to most tables released. I hope it gets in as long as it's not at the expense of the getaway
That was it. It was for all 4 plus a new game. It was still a lofty goal to try for given the relatively small size of the pinball community. Especially the size of the virtual pinball subset of the community.
Have you tried installing the newer physics mods for future pinball? They aren't...
Only old fashioned thing I do is tell kids to get off my lawn because I'm tryin-a donlode m'ah storays.
That and shaving with an old style safety razor.
That and mowing my lawn with an old style reel mower.
Is FOF actually a thing? Otherwise we'll played. We should do more morse code...
If that's the case either the laptop is not as good and solid as you thought it was or you are doing something very wrong. I could emulate anything from nes to c64 to snes/genesis to n64 on a system I had built on a shoestring budget in 2003.
We're talking a 32-bit amd athlon xp 3000 with 2gb...
Also. Those of us who use shake nudging have no way to nudge upward. I understand that this was because of a sensitivity issue with the accelerometer and it's orientation to the ground. Would it be possible to have a touch nudge area between the flippers so that we can nudge upward while leaving...
Uproar in 5....4....3....2....
Yup 2 posts. One uproar. One person.
I love this show, downloaded all episodes...only 24GB and that's low def avi files.
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