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  1. superballs

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    The weekly high scores only indicate how many have posted scores in the last week. The overall high scores would be a better indication.
  2. superballs

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    This is why I love it here
  3. superballs

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    The delivery medium doesn't change anything. You buy a game on a platform you get it on that platform. If you buy it on an older platform it's not a wasted purchase you play it on the platform you purchased it on. That and you act like you have access to their financial reports or something...
  4. superballs

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    I got an idea. They can re-release all the tables from season 1 all over again so we can have season 1 again.
  5. superballs

    PC - Bug No High Scores Preset

    Except it doesn't affect the trial. You can put your initials as the grand champ on the trial table at around 1.5 million or something.
  6. superballs


    Except that it's doMINation. Close though
  7. superballs

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    So what you're saying is that if someone buys FIFA14 for PS3 they should be entitled to it for PS4?
  8. superballs

    Table Pack #28 Speculation

    Not sure what my post had to do with if/when anything gets released. Had more to do with how people like to take farsight's maybes as solid promises that something will be done and a date on which it will be released as if it's some sort of binding contract.
  9. superballs

    Junkyard Impressions

    Makes sense.
  10. superballs

    PC - Bug No High Scores Preset

    Actually. And this is on android but still mobile and the same rules. But I put up a grand champ score on the trial version. The cut off is a preset score that should be the lowest high score.
  11. superballs

    Junkyard Impressions

    I guess the remaining question then is why is bk2k 1999?
  12. superballs

    Table Pack #28 Speculation

    But don't maybes on the Facebook page mean that they swear on their dear grandmother's graves that it's coming out? Like Tuesday and stuff?
  13. superballs

    Request Roadmap

    Actually I think most of the replies are pretty on base. They don't like giving us a road map because things change and a lot of people here on Facebook and on the steam forums have something resembling a cross between a seizure, a stroke, and explosive diarrhea over it.
  14. superballs

    Junkyard Impressions

    The scores
  15. superballs

    Junkyard Impressions

    That was a bug identified in the beta that they couldn't fix in time.
  16. superballs

    Not fit for this website

    I can't believe nobody brought home fries into the equation. I like mine slightly seasoned but not too salty.
  17. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    We already have a christobal. Close enough right?
  18. superballs

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    They've been working on the purple/pink hue for ages. I'm interested in seeing this table, I've heard some about it but I've never played it. Since all table's sales figures are pure speculation by forum members, I'd say that if Gottliebs actually sold that poorly they would reconsider...
  19. superballs


    I'm enjoying this table so far. Sometimes it feels too easy and others it feels pretty fair. Multiball is pretty chaotic and it seems it's tuned to allow for cradle seperation, although not in the purest form, it's still more or less effective. So far it feels satisfying. It's tuned rather well.

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