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  1. superballs

    The PS3 "super patch"

    I really don't get the comments on farsights lack of communication. Mike reitmeyer has over 1000 posts on this forum himself. A lot of his posts are informative and highly communicative. No company is ever going to give every detail of what's going on behind closed doors. It shouldn't be...
  2. superballs

    Why is the PC version Inferior to PS4?

    Except for the previously discussed hdmi bottleneck that may or may not be fixable through a firmware update.
  3. superballs

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    Photography should never be done in a Walmart (or equivalent) washroom.
  4. superballs

    TMNT Data East

    We have a 72 lane bowling alley here in Windsor. Back in the 8th and early-mid 90s. The wall opposite the lanes used to be lined with at least 100 arcade games and pins. OK maybe 50 I don't know as I never actually counted. I remember playing the tmnt arcade game there and being blown away by...
  5. superballs

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    In fact now I need to be banned as well for not thinking my quoting through and duplicating the image /sad
  6. superballs

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    The real question is if their physics model can handle a pit of despair. We don't want to go introducing new bugs or anything. And does the pit artwork come with seams? Mods...ban this man please. I may never sleep again. This looks line something from
  7. superballs

    Is there or is there not a reasonable chance to get The Addams Family?

    The impression i get is that they aren't doing the Fred-Astaire-Dancing-with-a-Dirt-Devil-in-a-commercial type thing. If I recall correctly, Universal was happy to allow the monsters to be used and quite amicable in their dealings with FS, much like Cassandra Peterson was.
  8. superballs

    Request No more Gottlieb tables

    I'm actually not familiar with the term but it's a great term.
  9. superballs

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Aren't these kind of mutually exclusive? Well at least you kept your word. Good on you
  10. superballs

    Why is the PC version Inferior to PS4?

    Actually, they should make it the Captcha image. That way all new members literally have to type it out in completion.
  11. superballs

    Buyer beware!

    Have you ever tried logging out and back in to your Farsight ID? That usually does the trick. I've never had to repurchase tables on any of the platforms I've been on.
  12. superballs

    Multiball play style

    In most regards I like to consider myself a hybrid player. I like flow and I like catch and shoot and play whatever feels best at that moment. Multiball is no different. My multiball strategy all depends on the table. AFM and MM, I tend to throw a ball up into the bumpers and try to get a...
  13. superballs

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    I was coming here to make this exact point. Getting a crappy floor texture is poetic justice. That's like M.C. Escher does Nazi propaganda, it looks almost like a bunch of reverse, rounded Swasticas and Red Iron Crosses. Add another vote for me.
  14. superballs

    Why is the PC version Inferior to PS4?

    The CPU isn't the end-all be-all. The PS4 uses a different API libraries than PC. They also said that once the XBOX One version was done and released, most of the work would already be done as the BOne uses the Direct X API Libraries.
  15. superballs

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    I agree with you about WHO. Not a bug fan of the UN either.
  16. superballs

    easiest and hardest pin in TPA

    Easiest: SS, AFM, Black Hole Hardest: Harley Davidson (not that the table is hard, it's just hard to play) Goalswise: Hardest would probably be Genie, Big Shot and Fish Tales
  17. superballs

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    Oh man please add that. Let us beta it and then we all need to stockpile gifs of people eating popcorn so we can front load the feedback thread for this version. Even if you actually update the texture, make it so that one is there for the first week as a nice little in-joke. Both the forum...
  18. superballs


    I don't think I can handle this series. 7 games of dread? Yikes
  19. superballs

    Request No more Gottlieb tables

    One of the PAPA vids i saw rarely had that bumper to outlane issue, ball would usually drop onto the right sling, then go crazy or something
  20. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    You boys...tsk tsk tsk. Hope to see some warm bodies in chat tonight.

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