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  1. superballs

    Gonna get a PS4... should I Get TPA?

    Get what you want. I'm giving the finger to Sony and Microsoft and getting a wii u and will be dammed if anyone has any ting to say about it. I'm not buying a console based on what tpa is coming out on as I already have it on two platforms and I want me some Nintendo. If you want tpa on your...
  2. superballs

    iOS: Pure Pinball free today only (09/13/2014) normal price $1.99

    While the iPhone 4 is fine for general communication purposes no current mobile game can be faulted for not running smoothly on it. The thing is ancient.
  3. superballs

    Cool stuff coming!

    Two of the features discussed are actually already in the pc version. Immersion mode is exciting. I haven't fire tpa up on my nexus 7 in so long because the soft buttons are so damn irritating and I can't be arsed to continuously re-root the damn thing. Oh yeah I hate Google. Open platform my...
  4. superballs

    Worst/most boring game on pInball Arcade?

    Using the EM would have been beneficial to the table I think. Instead of being an overly simplistic SS with terribly annoying sound. It would have been an ok EM with bells and chimes. I know nothing about sorcerer but to put El Dorado in while telling us that EMs don't sell was a bit of a...
  5. superballs

    The Pinball Arcade Is On Its Way To The Windows 8 Marketplace!!!

    Steam. I get the feeling that's as close as you will get. And thank god you had the good sense to get the pro
  6. superballs

    First impressions?

    I'm in serious danger of losing my french. But at least in written for I can slow down and think about it. Oddly enough, where I learned all my french, practically nobody speaks it. I've spoken french since I was young and until high school where I opted for French immersion, which I considered...
  7. superballs

    First impressions?

    Bonjour Dechampfleury, au moins je te comprends, mais je crois que vous vous profiterez bien de parler en anglais ici. Si vous connaisez mon bon ami Heretic tu verrais que votre anglais doit past être tres bien non plus. En tout cas, bienvenue a TPAF.
  8. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    Dx9 is capable of much better lighting than tpa currently has. The lighting in future pinball is a great example
  9. superballs

    Zaccaria Pinball

    I'd buy multiplat. Can't see poll on mobile and don't feel like mucking with the desktop site
  10. superballs

    Should tournaments use BEST score or LAST score?

    Last score...totes last score
  11. superballs

    Party Zone Screenshots

    That's the most English thing I've ever heard you say man lol
  12. superballs

    Party Zone Screenshots

    This it has become. The ramps are kind of ugly but I tend to play view 3 the most so those surfaces are barely visible.
  13. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    Back on topic. The only point I'm trying to make is that TPA is a video game and I enjoy it, DX11 or not, and I have no plans on abandoning it simply over lighting. Tourneys would be nice, and cab support would be nice as well. I can say I've not played much TPA the past couple months, but...
  14. superballs

    Timeshock! The REAL Edition!

    Impressive, I've wanted to see a real Timeshock for over a decade
  15. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    DirectX is a Microsoft API, it's not an open standard like OpenGL, How will any non windows mobile device ever support it?
  16. superballs

    Metallica: The Expected and the Unexpected

    My cousin's fiance has a Metallica at his bar, I really need to get there and clock some hours on it. Motorcycle season is coming to a close so it's getting to be time
  17. superballs

    Ghostbusters pinball feedback

    Welp....HH is probably my least favorite table in TPA, I would have preferred if they had remade BH instead as I like the layout much better and it would have been a Gottlieb, taking care of a potential licensing issue mentioned a page or 4 back. The table is more fun than HH in my opinion...
  18. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    VP is getting better, and the install is really only complicated if you want to use the cabinet features and multi-monitor. Though TPA has a lot more consistent quality, in general (some tables are not very well done). In VP, outside of creating tables yourself, you are at the mercy of the...
  19. superballs

    Party Zone Screenshots

    Wow, I come back after an absence just to harp on FS a little...go figure. I agree though, you can see the individual triangles in the right ramp, what gives? This is not what I expect from recent tables, especially now that they are coming out one at a time...I hate to think that S4 is taking...
  20. superballs

    timeframe on dx11

    I don't care either. I'm not going to stop enjoying something over lighting. Yes I want it but I also want to play +1 wrong I play a lot and it is cool to have but hardly so important as to strip enjoyment. As a counter...if there is no market to cater to then it's not economically viable...

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