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  1. DrainoBraino

    Pinball Makes the New York Times

    I hate when I get a flappy flipper. You can never tell until its too late...Put the quarters start...flappy....:(
  2. DrainoBraino

    TPA versus your average Real Life Machine

    The main difference is the physicality of the real thing. You gotta slam, nudge, bounce, *FLIP*, jiggle, clutch, and BANG the machine around if you want to get high scores. Virtual pinball will help in many ways, but only to a certain level. It has definitely helped my game over the years...
  3. DrainoBraino

    Hank's Tips

    HAHAHA I love this guy. I nearly screamed when he took steel wool to the space invaders haha.
  4. DrainoBraino

    The Pin by Stern

    I think The Pin is a great idea in theory. Don't really care for the TF theme. Like was mentioned, I would prefer an old 70 or 80s style pinball. I love the idea of cheaper more reliable retro reproductions. But then.....$3000?!?! Woah that's out of line for this. You can get a real table for...
  5. DrainoBraino

    any surpises coming are way?

    Yea surprises are nice..... Had to chime in the say: ELVIS IS AWESOME. The pinball table, that is. I'm not a huge fan of the music, ok..ok...I kinda like his music. ITS CATCHY! What can I say. CC Rider is great pinball music.
  6. DrainoBraino

    Pinball makes you feel good. 3 year old shows us how to play.

    This kid freaking rules. I hope this vid goes viral, give pinball a little boost.
  7. DrainoBraino

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    Centaur! it has amazing voice FEATURE. I love Fireball, but that spinning disc is so annoying.
  8. DrainoBraino

    Visual Pinball Tournament Thread

    I'd love to participate if I can muster up a few good scores. I'm just getting back into VP. What version of TZ are you playing? Maybe more version info is needed so we can compare scores. The VP site will only let you download 5 tables per day, but it seems you can download unlimited roms...
  9. DrainoBraino

    Ball through flippers bug is now fixed

    Wow awesome news! So is this fix available now or is this for next update and/or table pack?
  10. DrainoBraino

    Vote for your top 5 favorite TPA tables to date

    I think what kills Harley for me is that video mode. I hate video modes on pinball and never want them to happen. GROAN. I loved Harley at first, but it does video mode waaay too often. It's like playing one of those Tiger handheld games while waiting in line for a roller coaster. I feel the...
  11. DrainoBraino

    Christmassy Movies?

    Christmas Story is my fave. A few weeks ago I visited the Christmas Story house in Cleveland where it was filmed. It's fun! Also gotta watch Bad Santa. It's not for kids though, unless you are bad parents. Do let me tell you how to raise your kids.
  12. DrainoBraino

    German rap beat uses pinball sample

    That beat is dope! comment.
  13. DrainoBraino

    Lack of visual consistency

    That's not true. We all give a rats @ss, including FS. The majority of PS3 owners have complaints about the lighting inconsistencies and colors being "washed out" on certain tables. There are several threads about this in this forum and the PS3 and vita forum. Here's one I just found...
  14. DrainoBraino

    Vote for your top 5 favorite TPA tables to date

    I chose: 1.Gorgar 2.Black Hole 3.Big Shot 4.Monster Bash 5.Arabian Nights I picked them based on what I play and enjoy the most on TPA, not necessarily my favorite in real life. I do prefer the older tables though. Most of the time I don't care for video modes and dmd cut scenes. Just give me...
  15. DrainoBraino

    Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies

    Yes it's The Dan Patrick Show. DP SHOW! I have been a fan of his since the old sportscenter days. Great show. I was going to post that here, but it kept slipping my mind. Almost everything in his studio was given to him by an athlete or celebrity. He got the Dale Jr table from Dale Jr. Don't...
  16. DrainoBraino

    Weird, Scary, downright Unsettling Pins

    I love the weird freaky tables! Xenon and Gorgar are my favorite of all time. Tables like Nightmare on Elm Street scares me though. I guess any pin that has interactive heads in it is scary to me. Road show is really unsettling for me, I don't even like playing it. A few weeks ago I was...
  17. DrainoBraino

    Pinball Arcade vs. Williams Pinball Hall of Fame ??

    Thats so weird that you get lag on xbox. Hope you can find a fix for it. Glad you play it on iphone, I find myself playing TPA on my phone more often anyway. I like that I can play real pinball tables while watching sports, sitting in a waiting room, or while driving. Nothing wrong with...
  18. DrainoBraino

    Pinball Arcade vs. Williams Pinball Hall of Fame ??

    Hey Soundsgood. Wow this is the first I've heard of flipper lag on xbox. But I think the flippers are sluggish on TPA in general. I am reminded of how sluggish they are when I play Zen, Pro Pinball, or real pinball after a few long TPA sessions. This is one of the biggest problems with TPA...
  19. DrainoBraino

    Where do we post TZ bugs?

    That doesn't sound like a bug. The game quits on all the tables when you reach a certain score, asking for purchase.
  20. DrainoBraino

    Best camera angle to score?

    I dunno maybe its just me, but when the flipper is a little bigger I can nail shots. But I only want that angle for certain shots, then go to a higher angle on the fly to track the ball. Maybe a smartcam option should be implemented? I demand a customizable smartcam! New thread coming.

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