I agree Netizen, initially i voted with option 4. But now I can't help but think option 2 is the way to go. Physics changes and bug fixes can make a difference, besides if your good enough then you should be able to get close or beat your old score anyway.
that said, I also agree with above...
nice work Biff.
Sotie - completly agree with you. The android T2 button was an after thought.
However, the Kicktraq data clear shows the correlation between exposure and paid backers. Lets hope FS can create some videos or screen shots to keep us interested and more updates and in games...
there are likely other exploits we don't yet know about and also replay style hacks in use.
might have played a couple of machines as a child - but can't remember what they were. Played a lot of PinballFantasies on the Amiga and Devil Crash on pcEngine. Only got into Pinball properly as a result of TPA on the Xbox. Since then I've been to the Pinball Play Expo...
love the table.
latest Android update has tuned the disks which are now far more realistic. The noise however needs changing, should be more of a fan noise rather than clanging noise.
the kickback is a little too easy to handle
camera sometimes doesn't return to plunger.
from the plunger I...
loving the updated WhirlWind - much better with the latest fixes. Plays a little too fast and kickout too easy but awesome table. Actually prefer it from CP.
nah they never thought of it, until fans started to flag it up. By the time they realised, the iOS version had already been submitted. Like I say they lack PR savvy.
Even the android T2 placement is minimal. It really should have been a full screen poster rather than little button. It...
still think if FS took a few days out of their schedule to actively promote this KS - then we might stand a chance. More updates on Facebook, more updates on the KS page, media communications.....etc. They just don't seem that bothered - expecting the name T2 and the fans to do all the work.
good post PW..............HOWEVER, that is acceptable to us die hard PinballArcadeFans. But to the average Joe in the street AKA Facebook crew, they are gonna be pretty pi**ed and do yet more complaining. I appreciate the release schedule, but surely a few days late to fix some of the...
glad other are having the stutter issues...... I presumed it was because I was connecting via mobile phone hotspot. Stuttering lasts about 7 seconds and is really annoying - key press input is not registered until stuttering stops. As above this appears to be due to comms.
I'd like to see Farsight posting lots of stuff on their Facebook page to ramp up interest with the 16,000 followers! Surely they can do some more videos or screen shots......anything to keep people interested.
I just tweeted Arnold Schwarzenegger asking if he could help promote the...
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