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  1. Tabe

    Interview With FarSight Community Manager Rob Mann

    I think it really does speak volumes that Farsight's Community Manager doesn't post here - and that we didn't even know he existed. I would think he'd be a very visible, active member of this forum. Instead he's somewhere below a non-entity. Good grief. Tabe
  2. Tabe

    No Good Gofers on TPA (PS3) What are your thoughts?

    My thought on NGG when I started it up was "Where the heck is all the color?" I remembered the PHOF being a playful, bright, colorful table. The TPA version is a faded-out mess that seems to have little or no color at all. Tabe
  3. Tabe

    Pack #5 Initial Thoughts...

    Agree that the colors are waaaaaaaay undersaturated and dull. I actually find it a bit difficult to see the ball on Harley Davidson as the playfield is so washed out that the ball blends a bit. Haven't yet encountered any bugs but I also only played a single game of HD and none of Taxi. Tabe
  4. Tabe

    Pro Pinball

    For me, The Web is my definite favorite. I would LOVE to see an updated version of that table with the same level of graphics detail and physics as even the 1998 version of Timeshock (let alone the reboot version). After that, but not far behind, would be BRUSA. And then, in a distant 3rd and...
  5. Tabe

    [RANT] This is the worst table in TPA

    Personally, I don't care for RBION. I think the table itself is ugly, with poor choices for colors. The layout is sort of a confused mess. And so on. When I first got TPA, I actually kinda liked the table but I've definitely soured on it since then - and I've always thought it was ugly...
  6. Tabe

    [RANT] This is the worst table in TPA

    Darn right! The real Tabe is AWESOME! Tabe
  7. Tabe

    Table Pack #5 And #6 On Vita/PS3 Delayed

    Frustrated as I am with the many, many, MANY bugs in the various tables and the various delays in DLC releases for the PS3, the above is my main beef with Farsight. Exactly how hard would it be to toss up a screenshot or two of some of their TZ work? A photo of a dude taking measurements? I...
  8. Tabe

    Round 5: Post Your Questions for Bobby King

    What are your high scores (within TPA) on each of the tables? Tabe
  9. Tabe

    If you could only own one table...

    Funhouse. That game is just endlessly fun for me. Tabe
  10. Tabe

    Reset the leader boards?

    If they aren't aware of the bug then they either: A) Never read these forums since it's been mentioned hundreds of times here; B) Never look at the leaderboards or C) Both A & B Since we know they read these forums and they've reset other leaderboards in the past... I find the "we didn't know...
  11. Tabe

    Bug Funhouse "Score a 4-way Combo" does NOT count.

    Yeah, I probably should have said "sometimes" :) In another thread, Mike from Farsight explained that they do even triggers based on the DMD and various other things to determine when goals are hit. Whatever they've chosen, however, is incredibly unreliable as we've all seen. Tabe
  12. Tabe

    Two stage flippers poll

    I've been playing pinball all my life (turned 40 this year) and until a few weeks ago, I'd never even heard of dual stage flippers. Still not real sure what they are or how they're supposed to work. Tabe
  13. Tabe

    Bug PS3 Version 2.0.3 Bugs & Feedback

    I deleted my save so I had to redo all the standard goals in Funhouse. There's 5 goals total, right? Well, I had to complete those 5 goals a combined *13* times to get them to all register. Every single one took at least two completions to register. Tabe
  14. Tabe

    Funhouse skill shot

    The PS3 version has the same plunger cam. The problem is that the results from the plunger shots are not consistent - the same pull can result in a shot that barely leaves the launch area or blasts all the way around. Tabe
  15. Tabe

    Bug? Rudy calling the player Biff......

    I have, at one time or another, heard every one of the names while playing the PS3 version of "Funhouse". I would have to play the table again to see if it's stuck on "Biff" but I don't think that's the case. Tabe
  16. Tabe

    Bugs/problems with BK for PS3...

    The difference between the TPA version of the playfield and the real life one posted above are just amazing. Incredible to me that Farsight could release a playfield graphic that is so different from the real thing. Tabe
  17. Tabe

    Are they not planning on resetting the leaderboards?!?

    I do find it odd that they reset the leaderboards - but didn't delete local saves. What's the point of resetting the leaderboard if your own local high scores are (potentially) bogus? Makes no sense. That said, I had good over the weekend and nearly tripled my previous high score (from...
  18. Tabe

    Bug PS3 Version 2.0.3 Bugs & Feedback

    Thanks for the reply. I thought I'd seen something - perhaps it was on the Android version or something - that said this was already implemented. It's not a HUGE deal that this isn't implemented but it's also a pretty simple thing to do and should have been included from the get-go. Tabe
  19. Tabe

    Worst release so far?

    I agree that Black Knight is the worst of the tables so far. So many bugs, so many unsaveable drains, the graphics are bad, the sound is worse, and the game itself is just terrible. I've grown to appreciate Black Hole and Gorgar but Black Knight...ugh. I played it for about an hour the other...
  20. Tabe

    Most difficult Wizard goals / Tables with most difficult goals overall

    Yeah, you're definitely in the minority on that one. And a lot of the goals are NOT just "par for the course" when learning the tables. For some games, like Bride of Pinbot and Funhouse (though I don't think the 4-way combo really comes about naturally during gameplay - you have to try for...

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