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  1. xAzatothx

    Good news!

    remember this is just as frustrating for FR as it is for us. FS are likely desperate to tell us news to keep us interested and protect their baby. But the legalities of signing a new publisher means they cannot yet communicate anything. I do however think the newsletter should have just...
  2. xAzatothx

    I just want to buy Attack from Mars..

    I've purchased full price games £30+ on the Xbox and had far less enjoyment than I have out of this table pack. Mobile gaming is so cheap - people want something for nothing these days. Any cheaper and FS will soon be out of business.
  3. xAzatothx

    Thoughts on tapatalk - and forum mods - any chance of installing it?

    thanks Nik - I was worried about it not looking good in portrait........ but looks fine. Think will give it a go.
  4. xAzatothx

    Android Version 1.10.0 Feedback And Discussion

    yeah the same thing happened to me the other day. I'd failed to do super jets but because of the tiny text I couldn't read what I had to do. I've memorized those objective now :) Was lucky enough to have a few games on a real AFM this morning. My best score was just 1B :) which says it...
  5. xAzatothx

    Thoughts on tapatalk - and forum mods - any chance of installing it?

    was looking at this yesterday..... is it really worth it vs just accessing via normal chrome browser? Can't make my mind up whether worth using up my remaining free Google credit on this.
  6. xAzatothx

    I just want to buy Attack from Mars..

    +1 you can only buy them in a pack at the moment. As above, the pack is cheap as chips and well worth it. You really can't grumble at £3 considering the amount of fun you get out of both these tables or even just 1 in your case.
  7. xAzatothx

    I'm not against older tables, but is this boring?

    I'd never even heard of Genie before, never mind played it. I've loved it - it's got as much play as AFM.
  8. xAzatothx

    Controller support for Android?

    Having read all this I think I will wait for FS to allow correct mapping. Don't fancy routing and can't be doing with hassle. My nudging ability has improved on the nexus since I learnt to place thumbs at bottom of screen for flipper control and then lay index fingers vertically either side of...
  9. xAzatothx

    ipad, iphone, kindle-compared to PS3, XBOX......

    sweet - thanks edit: lol! that video is class......... had no idea you could do that. Nice way of working round the gate open bug.
  10. xAzatothx

    Controller support for Android?

    thanks Nik
  11. xAzatothx

    Controller support for Android?

    I don't have any Sony hardware. If I connect my old or new Xbox controller to my nexus 7 - will it work? I'm guessing I won't be able to map the controls correctly.
  12. xAzatothx

    Android Version 1.10.0 Feedback And Discussion

    no worries - I'm just bitter that I can't even score 20B with 3 balls :)
  13. xAzatothx

    Strobe Multiball

    that's first time I've seen it - pretty cool. No way of that happening on mobile platform......... might be a chance of something half decent on consoles though. end of the day - RT is always going to be better than simulation :)
  14. xAzatothx

    ipad, iphone, kindle-compared to PS3, XBOX......

    cheers - how the feck did I miss this. Will have to try and train my brain that I can indeed nudge vertically now. When is best time to use vertical nudge? on the out lanes?
  15. xAzatothx

    Strobe Multiball

    +1 I believe they are looking into it for consoles.
  16. xAzatothx

    AFM Tactics and Strategies

    ah! thanks for that. Guess this is how FS test some of the ramp issues, like the right orbit kicking the ball out into the middle incorrectly.
  17. xAzatothx

    ipad, iphone, kindle-compared to PS3, XBOX......

    I'm away so no access to Xbox.......... I thought you could only nudge left to right. From reading above it sounds like on Xbox you can also do vertical nudges? :eek:
  18. xAzatothx

    360 - Request Portrait Mode

    Having played TPA on Android more and more recently (beta table releases and lack of Xbox DLC)........ I've started to get accustomed to the portrait display. I'd REALLY love to see a portrait option on Xbox. My display is a 27" LCD which I could rotate and improvise with a home made...
  19. xAzatothx

    Android Version 1.10.0 Feedback And Discussion

    since release the iOS users have been raving about improved flipper physics in AFM. Has anyone played Android vs iOS to compare? Are they similar or different? I can't say I noticed a massive flipper physics difference when playing AFM on Android?
  20. xAzatothx

    AFM Tactics and Strategies

    what do you mean by the ball control feature?

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