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  1. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    Extra mass means that it will retain momentum longer, at the bottom of the ramp, assuming the wheels are identical, the heavier and lighter cars should be travelling near the same speed, the heavier vehicle will maintain that speed longer once gravity is no longer providing acceleration. You...
  2. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    Cal's been gone a long time
  3. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    What is your favorite colour? Driveway chee- no blue....AAAAARRRRGGGGGG! And Sean, are we due for a new title? I'm thinking every 81 posts we should retitle - kthxbai
  4. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    I've got some in the drivewa. ... oh the cat's eaten it
  5. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    Shut that bloody bouzouki up!
  6. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    It doesn't prevent the quake but absorbs the kinetic energy, acting as a shock absorber. They should have road cheese. I would live on camembert crescent
  7. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    I heard the prime minister say it to the queen. "Hot enough in here to boil a monkey's bum!" And she smiled quietly to herself.
  8. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    Let's not go there. It is a silly place.
  9. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    This thread reminds me of the llama takeover on the opening credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Superballs has been sacked
  10. superballs

    Request what are the chances of seeing INDIANAPOLIS 500 on TPA?

    I'd love to see this table, it's great fun and good use of the theme, pretty fast and decent flow to it for the most part
  11. superballs

    What do you think the next kick starter will be?

    I sure hope they strike a blanket deal with Other/Misc, that would be sweet BBC doesn't really sound like a blanket deal, but just a deal.
  12. superballs

    Apple Delay Frustration (Derailed by Driveway Cheese after Post # 81)

    I see what you did there.
  13. superballs

    Question about optimum settings for running TPA

    This is probably your best bet. Drop the settings, especially reflections, anti-aliasing, post-processing, and texture filtering, I'm betting your graphics card is probably your biggest problem, i'm also guessing that a PCI-E card costing around 60-80$ at staples will do fine for TPA Based on...
  14. superballs

    XP vs Windows 7 & 8

    Intel HD chips aren't meant for gaming, their designed to run the windows UI which has been a 2D looking 3D interface since Vista (one of the major reasons Vista was so poorly received was that the onboard chips in most computers had next to zero 3D capabilities and Vista as a result ran like a...
  15. superballs

    What have you been playing? (Besides pinball)

    XBOX (Original) Project Gotham Racing (going for all gold, i'll be here all month) Mechassault (finally finished it) Otogi: Myths of Demons Jade Empire NHL 2K5,6,7 Armed and Dangerous Mercenaries
  16. superballs

    HighSpeed by Williams

    I'd prefer Getaway, but I'd be happy with High Speed as well, both are great tables and both belong in TPA, even if the Getaway came out first, I would still buy High Speed.
  17. superballs

    Still hope for Xbox 360

    The fact is, that an average staples computer with a 60$ graphics card will play TPA, if you want a low overhead platform to play it on, then it's there. This is in no way a failure on Farsight's part. They didn't manage Crave's finances and by the looks of it they were one of the few aspects...
  18. superballs

    Timeframe on DX11 (Side Debate on the Effects of Piracy)

    That and MM is in fact censored. The uncensored version is an unofficial rom, it will not be available ever in TPA.

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