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  1. superballs

    Request can we get some gottlieb DLC?

    Why you gotta be so negative Sean? Always so negative Sean! Don't be such a hater man! . .. ... .... ..... ......
  2. superballs

    Shoot Again: Pinball is Back in New York City

    God I wish writers knew how to capitalize titles. Oh well here's a great article from The Verge
  3. superballs

    Request [iOS] [Android] Increase the audio compression bit rate for better-quality audio

    Well you wanted to see if the sound was better quality. But if you don't care I don't care.
  4. superballs

    Visual Pinball

    Can you toss up a screenshot of this? That would be helpful. Also, did you grab the desktop version or the "FS" version? Are you playing landscape or portrait?
  5. superballs

    how do you feel that steam get's CBW and Dorado already?

    Yes you can and it's mapped just like it was on the 360, which should be pretty well the same as on PS3. I recommend it wholeheartedly, in portrait mode, with newly implemented analog nudging.
  6. superballs

    Joypad Deadzones

    360 pad works for me using triggers with upper flipper control on
  7. superballs

    Bug: Table pack #21 speculation

    They won't give us the tables until right before the IOS beta
  8. superballs

    Bug broken app?

    I second the N7 from 2012, even a 16GB model would make a great dedicated pinball tablet.
  9. superballs

    I can't find much fun when playing modern tables.

    Oh! I should add that there is another table that the same author worked on in a collaberative effort called Beat This. Another awesome table though kess spinner oriented and more target oriented. Kind of a black hole + centaur + big shot + hawaii five-oh
  10. superballs

    How much playfield repetition can TPA stand?

    Yes, I think when FS actually fixes BK it will make a lot of people happy. Of course there's people like me who wouldn't know better because they don't know the real table at all.
  11. superballs

    Request [iOS] [Android] Increase the audio compression bit rate for better-quality audio

    I think at best for most tables we can ask for stereo mechanical sounds, but it should be a narrow field stereo since the table is right in front of you. Most (if not all) tables output mono sound as it is so stereo ROM sounds is not a realistic request.
  12. superballs

    General Illumination

    I'll have to check that out tonight i think
  13. superballs

    Cirqus Voltaire DMD

    The early versions actually did have this problem until a filter was applied. They probably forgot the filter on the overlay or the angle of the DMD is causing issues with it.
  14. superballs

    Worst quotes in a pinball machine

    "There goes that mystery rider"
  15. superballs

    CC Tactics and Strategies

    That may be true but they return to the flippers and once you get in the rhythm you can pop 4 or 5 shots in. Otherwise you have to wait for the loops to return through the bumpers and whatnot which greatly reduces the time you have to aim your next shot. The center ramp is a bit easier and can...
  16. superballs

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    Ooooh I'll have to give that a run then.
  17. superballs

    Request [iOS] [Android] Increase the audio compression bit rate for better-quality audio

    Sounds like a ****e graphics card since I get good game play at moderate settings on a core 2 duo laptop with only 4gb. Does it not have vga out? You could play the pc version on your 52 inch
  18. superballs

    I can't find much fun when playing modern tables.

    You are in a good place to get the most enjoyment from tpa possible. And yes the art is jarring but the table is fun and more addictive than meth
  19. superballs

    Bug Nexus 7 (2012) - Heartbeat not animated

    Fair enough. I've not seen it since though

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