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  1. Jim O'Brien

    Bug Android Version 1.17.0 Bugs

    To grab a screen shot on a Nexus 7 hold down the volume key and press the power button at the same time.
  2. Jim O'Brien

    Ÿour LEAST favorite tables?

    Goin' Nuts and Champion Pub.
  3. Jim O'Brien

    Bug Android Version 1.17.0 Bugs

    Very strange.
  4. Jim O'Brien

    Bug Android Version 1.17.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: Nexus 7 / Jelly Bean 4.3 Bug Description: When selecting the my score option in tournament it displays someone else's scores instead of your own. Steps To Reproduce: Start tournament, select overall standings, and click my score. Frequency: 100% Additional Comments:
  5. Jim O'Brien

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    Playdium in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. They have seven newer Stern tables in really nice operating shape. I've been to other arcades, but their tables were in very poor condition. Here is a nice app if you are on Android http://...
  6. Jim O'Brien

    Tilt ?!?!

    Think they got it right with Genie as far as nudging and tilting goes, Gottlieb tables can be very unforgiving as far as tilting goes especially tables from this era.
  7. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    Thanks for all the work you have put into these Pinwiz it was a fun poll and I looked forward to each one.
  8. Jim O'Brien

    Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3

    All the lighting improvements aside the thing that really stands out with these pics for me is the detail in the habitrails and ramps very impressive.
  9. Jim O'Brien

    Zen Pinball Username Roll-call

    We really need a friend leaderboard on TPA ( android ). Have and love Zen Pinball on my Nexus 7 and PS3 my username on android Jim O'Brien and Clandestine_Can on PS3.
  10. Jim O'Brien

    T2 Beta

    According to the tournament page Farsight says that there are 8 tables for the tournament, but I only see 4. I'm in the bronze tier so I don't know if it that has any bearing or not. Also anyone know if they are planning to wipe the slate clean for the tournament after T2 officially releases ?
  11. Jim O'Brien

    T2 Beta

    It's been awhile since I played a real T2 and was wondering if shots can actually get through to the bumpers from the flippers ? [/URL][/IMG]It seems to me there would not be enough space in-between the posts for this to happen and it was something that stood out right away for me.
  12. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    The list is pretty bad just because it is later Gottlieb/Premier tables, don't get me wrong there are some sure fire winners here it's the whole company itself. They fell short in the mid 80's and never recovered and Williams, Bally, and Stern kept knocking out the best pins with way better...
  13. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    You have to be careful with this list some of these look promising until the game starts and the bad music kicks in. :p
  14. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    This poll is like the other ones I've mainly voted for tables that I've played and seen on Visual Pinball. although there are some on this list I've never heard of and really took the time to watch game play videos before making a decision. My voting went like this : Cactus Jack's Class Of 1812...
  15. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #3 - Bally (Closed)

    Medusa had lighting on the flippers ( bottom ones ) and it was in this poll, I really like the flipper on the right outlane of Embryon it was such a good idea and I don't think many tables used this design.
  16. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #3 - Bally (Closed)

    Here is a cool link while we patiently await the results from this poll, pretty sure I voted for Embryon and after seeing this vid I really hope it makes it's way to TPA.
  17. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

    Would have liked to see Tales from the Crypt, that with Freddy: a Nightmare on Elm Street would have made a great table pack. I'm sure it will be in the Data East poll though.
  18. Jim O'Brien

    Farsight working to get patches to Sony versions?

    There is a lot more to it then that and all you have to do is listen to the Bobby King interviews that he did with Jeff from here. There is too much red tape involved with the consoles and unless there is a Pinball Arcade 2 or 2.1 whatever they call it, all these issues will not be addressed...
  19. Jim O'Brien

    Small world, TPA getting more known!

    When TBA first came out I was talking to a guy at a place in Niagara Falls that had three pins, we were playing Red & Ted's Roadshow, Terminator 2, and The Getaway High Speed 2. He was in the process of buying a Theater Of Magic table it is funny how a game can bring people together.
  20. Jim O'Brien

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #3 - Bally (Closed)

    Medusa and Fathom need more love... Farsight just ignore this poll. LOL:p

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