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  1. C

    Bug Medieval Madness (keep losing my joust/peasent etc...) highscores

    cheers for the answers guys, Mike, i now have to kick my son off the XBOX as i have never played a game console so much since my old Commodore 64 days, really loving the tables, keep up the excellent work
  2. C

    Bug Medieval Madness (keep losing my joust/peasent etc...) highscores

    don't know if it's a bug or supposed to be this way, but i always lose my joust,peasant,damsel, castles destroyed...etc... highscores. i keep my table high scores but not these other ones
  3. C

    The Official Xbox LIVE Gamertag Thread

    can i be added my gametag is SennenCarpies
  4. C

    Who's Elvis258 with all the highscores

    this Elvis258 has 5 of the number 1 spots on the xbox highscore charts....he/she must have a load of time on their hands
  5. C

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    Old Tables are presenting scores if you open them first, but no scores at all for the new tables and if you open up one of the new tables first you can't access the scores of the older tables
  6. C

    Bug Digital Pinball - Tom

    Ball disappeared whilst playing Digital Pinball
  7. C

    Whats your Average overall Placing on all 4 tables?

    TOTAN 212 RBION 388 BH 83 TOM 795 MY AVERAGE PLACING IS 369 ThEATRE of Magic kind of lets it down
  8. C

    DLC Release Date

    lets just hope the dlc packs don't get rejected in June :-(

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