Yeah yeah yeah yeah, can't wait, my sons not so impressed as it means I'll be hogging the xbox, all those tables and I'll eventually get my kickstarters
This is driving me crazy, I suppose I'm new to the world if gaming on PC, I just can't get Pinball Arcade running on my laptop.
I've done a hard reset or whatever it's called back to factory settings as since I got my iphone my laptop become pretty redundant apart from playing my iTunes.
Now the...
Ok, gave up on my laptop and old stack system, but grabbed my wife's old redundant note book, got it running good with reflection off, then plugged it into my TV through the HDMI lead, changed the resolution and changed for my TV to be the only Monitor, and wow didn't it look great.... BUT...the...
As a XBOX user who is just about giving up on DLC , I thought I'd try pinball arcade through Steam.
Now my laptop seemed to have all the requirements needed to run Pinball Arcade and I closed any other programmes running but the game is running at snails pace.
My next option then was to dig out...
Fingers crossed its all sorted, even more so as only yesterday whilst trying to set up my sons mine craft so he could play on multi player, that all this time I never realised that plugin in through the hdmi lead and not the supplied yellow/red/white leads that the screen image would be so...
Can you release the new tables under a different name (the pinball arcade for instance), then when this is all resolved add the first ten tables to this new name?
I cannot wait for the updates, i've been enjoying Pinball Arcade on the XBOX so much, i've never played an arcade game so much since i was a wee nipper playing the old Nintendo game and watches in the mid 80's.....i will grab the XBOX control of my son at least once a day to shoot some...
What's Happened?, lost all my scores on the tables, still got my scores on the leaderboard, but my top 5 scores and goals have vanished.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It was my believing that only Monster Bash was going to be reset, buy hey ho, if they get reset i may have a chance of leading for a few minutes if i get in earlier enough :D
O.k., here's the current top 20 as of the 11th December 2012.
Apharmd Striker
Ark Malmeida
cheers guys, its an iphone 4, i've grabbed my sons iphone so i can play some of the tables while i wait for the xbox dlc....maybe i will try a complete restore then
can anyone suggest what i should do.
Everytime i click login it crashes and goes back to my iphone main menu, ive deleted the app, reinstalled it twice, created a new account through my wifes email and still i encounter the same problem.
any suggestions please.
Ok, while we're waiting for new tables and a tournament mode i thought i'd put together a Top 20 players table of the current 10 tables on the XBOX.
If you've entered your Gametag on Pin Wiz's thread then i've added you onto this list (minus 2 players, whom have their friends list full and i...
was thinking maybe a good tournament mode would be for a daily tournament where certain tables were selected then points awarded for your first score on that table with your final score collected together of all tables once you've played all selected tables, this way there will be no waiting...
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