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  1. C

    Tables missing

    I've lost all my tables (everything) with this update, only have tales of Arabian nights now
  2. C

    Bug Black Rose, not registering high score after intials

    I've been unable to enter a high score for a while now on Black Rose, after entering intials for high score it then restarts the game as you enter intials for most boats sunk. The game then freezes forcing you to close down the app.
  3. C


    Same here, crashing every time I try to access the game, iPad 2 air
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    3 bugs found so far

    As I said the bugs were appearing from my first game, I'm sure there aware of them, just a shame they release the game with them
  5. C

    3 bugs found so far

    Who on earth checks these games for bugs, I've had bugs appearing from my first game, and have now got 90,000 on my first ball just to have the ball in play change from 1 to 5 then freeze, aaaaaaagh, I'm sure it must Tommy, the deaf dumb and blind kid on quality control
  6. C

    Bug Leaderboards not registering my scores (shows a big fat zero)

    Hi, on the friends tab on the leaderboards all my scores are registered but on all the tables on the my score/overall tab a big 0 is registered on every table. I've logged out and back in, restored saved data and all that jazz, but nothing changes
  7. C

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Aaaaagh, got my 2nd lost in space on the twighlight zone, just for the timer to expire within seconds of my bonus being added, would of got the top score otherwise, aaaaaagh
  8. C

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Everytime I click on tournament at the moment the app crashes, anyone else having this problem
  9. C

    Hall of fame score don't add up

    [/url] post img[/IMG] upload pics As you can see my score don't add up, I've tried reinstalling app, logging out, and everything in options but still the score will not sync the same
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    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Ok, problem solved by deleting the app and reinstalling The other problem I'm getting is that my hall of fame score is a few thousand higher than what it is when I click on the hall of fame leaderboards.
  11. C

    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Hi FlippyFloppy, thanks for getting back...what's happening is that after I've finished my game on the new Frankstein table regardless of what score I got the app crashes when I click on continue and leaves the app. I have all your tables and this has never happened before, and I've tried most...
  12. C

    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Cheers Slam, I've tried again to delete and reinstall, but still having the same problem, just as I click continue after my score is displayed it starts to update than crashes......and only on the new table
  13. C

    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Anyone else having this problem, game crashes whilst posting score on the latest Frankstein table, updates the high score on table but doesn't record score on online leaderboard. Works fine on all my other tables. Deleted and reinstalled game. I'm on latest iOS and on iPad Air 2
  14. C

    July TotM Groupings and Results

    I'm sorry I couldn't take part, we had family over from the other side of the world and I was pretty sure I'd be able to find time but had no chance to get on my XBOX, hoping I won't be black balled for the next tournament
  15. C

    360 new release bugs

    With Black Rose when you go the enter your high score at the end the game restarts and you lose the ability to use the fire and start buttons and that high score doesn't register....
  16. C

    360 Tournament

    Cheers dave, looks like it could be a struggle to get 20....I was looking through my friends score (all of whom I added a few years back when we first got pinball arcade) and there ain't many left playing on the Xbox, all moved on I guess
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    360 Tournament

    I'm SennenCarpies
  18. C

    360 Tournament

    I'm going to set up a tournament for the 360. The format will be 3 tables over a period of 1 week. I will add the first 20 players to my friends list who post their game tag user name. Points will be awarded from 20pts for a first place to 1pt for a last place. The bottom three will be taken out...
  19. C

    Glitches (or whatever it's called)

    Sorted, It was what's referred to as "Screen lag" and it has been overcome by switching my TV to game mode.
  20. C

    Glitches (or whatever it's called)

    Cheers, I did think about that, I must admit Pinball is the only game I really play, it's my sons XBOX. It's not too bad, just kind of freezes for a mini second, just enough for you to notice the flow of the ball isn't correct. I did think maybe it might be to do with the HDMI lead as its only a...

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