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  1. M

    EU Season 6 Season Pass?

    I bought the Season 6 Pro pass as it became available, and as I mentioned earlier it did not unlock those three tables for me. I was just now able to download and play the pro versions of Big Hurt and Doctor Who from the European PS Store, though! So, consider those two fixed. To download Doctor...
  2. M

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.16 Now live on PSN/PS4 (Dual Light Slider added)

    Great, that's all I needed to hear! Thank you.
  3. M

    EU Season 6 Season Pass?

    Yeah, welcome to the club! I'm taking a wait-and-see approach, hoping it will eventually be sorted out.
  4. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    Glad I'm not the only one! I have bought the Pro packs for all previous seasons, and it's never happened to me before. Did it eventually get sorted out for you the previous times?
  5. M

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.16 Now live on PSN/PS4 (Dual Light Slider added)

    After you buy Season 6 you have do "download" (in reality unlock) each table separately from the Pinball Arcade add-ons section of the store. I'm curious as to whether you'll manage to download the two Doctor Who tables and Big Hurt, because they don't work for me. (The original Doctor Who is...
  6. M

    PS3 - Bug Lag on older Samsung Smart TV

    I recently played Pinball Arcade on PS3 on a friend's LG LED TV. Without turning the game mode of the tv on, the lag was so bad it was absolutely unplayable. Almost a second of lag. With the game mode on, a small amount of lag was still detectable, but the tables were playable. I doubt Farsight...
  7. M

    EU Season 6 Season Pass?

    It is available. Search for "Season Six" in PS Store, it will pop up - at least the Pro bundle. The problem I had though, that I've already mentioned in other threads, is that buying Season Six Pro only unlocked 6 of the 9 available tables...
  8. M

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.16 Now live on PSN/PS4 (Dual Light Slider added)

    So, are any of you able to download Doctor Who? Pro Version shows as "unavailable", and Big Hurt Pro and the updated Doctor Who still needs to be paid for, even though I bought the Season 6 Pro bundle. The other 6 tables unlocked just fine.
  9. M

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.16 Now live on PSN/PS4 (Dual Light Slider added)

    I have version 1.17 - I guess it differs between continents?
  10. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    Ok, after buying the Season 6 Pro Bundle and going to the addon section to "download" the tables, the following problem presented itself. All Season 6 Pro version tables were showing as Free to download, except: Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Pro - still needs to be purchased Doctor Who Pro -...
  11. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    daduki Thank you! Your link would also work, but I searched for "Season Six Pro" on the console and found it. It does not show up as an add-on if, as I did, one views all PS Store addons for the game from the subsection that opens up when you select your installed game in the PS4 XMB, but the...
  12. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    European update 1.17 installed! But there is no season pass or bundle for season 6 in Playstation Store. So, I guess I have to buy each table separately? No extra content added to the Store anytime soon?
  13. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    Respectfully, I don't want to have to subscribe to a newsletter to obtain this information. They have a News section at - why not post it there? But ok, next week it is, then! (...?)
  14. M

    Amidst all this talk about SPA, what about TPA season 6?

    I don't care about modern Stern tables; they bore the crap out of me. I play Pinball Arcade for the classic tables - basically anything without a DMD, and the more EM's the better - and I've bought every single season pass of Pinball Arcade on PS4 to support Farsight, even if I can hardly be...
  15. M

    The PS4 is five tables behind at this point - any news on the update schedule?

    The last released table on the PS4 (at least in Europe) was Frankenstein, back in December. PS4 users got that table around two months after it arrived on PC. Now it's been well over three months since that last PS4 update, and 5 new tables have subsequently been released on other platforms. I...

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