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  1. P

    TPA not on Sony's PS4 launch lineup list...

    I guess I should have used the term Day 1, or Launch Day, which is not confirmed in the Sony press release, just before Dec. 31. Feel high and mighty if you must, but my core point is still relevant. Six weeks is a better timeframe to work within that 4 1/2 months, but it still isn't that same...
  2. P

    Gotlieb Class of 1812

    Chickens don't quack. And you only get that sound during multiball, and it's not that annoying in person, more just fits the campy horror theme.
  3. P

    Zapcon 2014 is a GO!

    I used to feel the same way.
  4. P

    TPA not on Sony's PS4 launch lineup list...

    As the thread title says, TPA is not on Sony's PS4 launch lineup list, debuted at GamesCom. Saw another list that has it in the "launch window" of between Nov. 15 (or 29th for our European friends) and the end of March... which sounds eerily familiar to me of a version I've basically given up...
  5. P

    Diner and Earthshaker!

    Definitely. Diner and Earthshaker should be in TPA. Plenty of tables I'd like to see more, but considering popularity, designer, lack of license BS, these are good candidates that would be cool to see.
  6. P

    F14 Tomcat

    I'm not a fan of F-14. Honestly hoping they don't spend a TPA spot on it. To each their own. If you do buy it, I hope you enjoy it... or can flip it fast.
  7. P

    Zapcon 2014 is a GO!

    Just popped on the Zapcon site to double check what was at the con earlier this year, and they've updated it to say that 2014 is a go! It was a great time, tons of tables, including a lot of greats and a bunch I'd never had the chance to play before. Check it out. Be there in 2014 if you can...
  8. P

    Full playfield reveal for JJP's Hobbit

    Reminds of Fish Tales (read above) and Avengers (drops in front of what I expect will be a smash target), and the way everything is up at the back together reminds of Spider-Man. I expect to like it. Probably better than WOZ.
  9. P

    Full playfield reveal for JJP's Hobbit

    It has a "Boat Ramp".:) Anyone at FS still want to act like including Fish Tales in TPA isn't important?
  10. P

    Which of the TPA pins have you played the actual physical table?

    Black Hole Theatre of Magic Tales of the Arabian Knights Ripley's Believe It or Not! Bride of Pin*Bot Medieval Madness Cirqus Voltaire Funhouse Gorgar Monster Bash Black Knight Creature from the Black Lagoon Harley-Davidson: 3rd Edition Taxi Elvira and the Party Monsters No Good Gofers Scared...
  11. P

    Request Tuning Old Machines for PS4/PC

    I agree. If they're rebuilding/refining/updating the tables, you gotta hope they are really going to try to make all of them play as real as possible, not just add better lighting. And that they be well polished for Day 1. Even the best of the their fabulous re-creations isn't perfect, and...
  12. P

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    Why are people so worried about the spinning mini-flipper on Monopoly? Have any of you ever played it and had it actually screw you up/cause a drain? I've played it several times, never had it negatively affect my game. Folks on here are usually way too willing to hail every Pat Lawlor table...
  13. P

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    TFTC and Monopoly 1 and 1A for me. Rocky & Bullwinkle and RCT after that. Then Time Machine. Had to vote for the only Sega, because it's the only one, and yet Sega is still in the poll title. Rounded out with High Roller and 3 old-school with good art - Seawitch, Stingray, Catacomb.
  14. P

    Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3

    Yes, I too would be massively interested in some 1080p video, maybe even more interested in the release date and PS3-to-PS4 upgrade prices they plan to charge per Pro Season (and for the core pack).
  15. P

    Gotlieb Class of 1812

    Zapcon in Phx in April (I think it was April...). That copy of the table was FAR from pristine, and I still had a total blast with it.
  16. P

    Gotlieb Class of 1812

    Noticed that I hadn't posted in this thread specifically since I've actually played it. I was very impressed. Simple software, but lots of fun, lots of drops, two ramps, lots of 2-ball multiball. Lots of fun.
  17. P

    What will we see for the rest of 2013?...

    Never played FT, have you. Yeah. Play it first. Nothing "awful" about it (except maybe the music, but the whole theme is tongue-in-cheek, which changes the dynamic). Before the first time I played it, I thought, "looks pretty cool, maybe it'll be a top 40 table", then I played it, and it...
  18. P

    The Best Music in TPA?

    EATPM probably for me. Best (original) music I've heard in any pin though is probably Mystery Castle.
  19. P

    What will we see for the rest of 2013?...

    Have to seriously question the judgment of anyone at FS who thinks that BBB just because it is rare (and has the interesting story of the Illinois Pinball reproductions) is anywhere near as good, or important as Fish Tales. BBB is really cool to look at, but looks like not that much to actually...
  20. P

    Pinball machine owners list

    finally getting my first. Got a deposit down with a reputable dealer on a Fish Tales:) 3-4 weeks from now (once he gets through a few tables ahead of mine in line) it will be mine.

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