people are starting to go crazy. regardless of any political stance we are screwed. this isnt that time we all had to stay in playing video games and watching tv... this is that time they shut down all businesses and everyone i know just lost their jobs overnight. people havnt prepaired we dont...
yeah i actually decided to go back in and check it out again yesterday, and thats all i get after every challenge, like 30-40 seconds of trying to connect to sever before opening the case and then another 30-40 seconds of trying to connect after opening. and about 1/4th of the time it fails and...
i blame myself. right before all this i got hyped up about Steven King's the stand being remade into a new series... and then i actually reread the entire book and preceded to then rewatch the original 4 part tv series from the 90's, and then just to consume it in every possible way I also read...
so many cases are popping up around me in boston right now. seems to be spreading very fast. The grocery stores are being picked apart by crazed animals here now, and i really didnt expect it to be that bad so heads up to all you folks in places that havnt had a ton of cases pop up yet, once you...
I like the title it's creative and really gets em' where it hurts. it's like hey zen not very fx'y are you. I honestly havnt played the mobile version in 6-7 maybe even 8 months. It was stealing zen coins from me, and they did give me some coins back when i complained and showed the error but I...
At some point on my ps4 pro during the last couple packs i noticed it started claiming that fx3 is "pro enhanced" but i cant figure out what they enhanced because it doesn't say anywhere. I have a 4k TV but the graphics look the same from when it was not enhanced so I'm not sure if they bumped...
maybe the facebook guy from zen got a little happy and spoke slightly too soon, hopfully we hear something today. fingers crossed. sending out some positive vibes to the universe, yama yama indy yama yama ana jones yama yama give us indy ooom ooom. pleeeeaaaase ooom.
all the info is on the rules section will explain it all. tonight is the last meet of the season but they do 3 seasons a year and the next one starts the first week of May. they have many locations and you can pick anyone you want and even mix and match locations each week. All kinds...
yay!!!! thanks for the heads up you just made my day. wow pinball league at the pit tonight annnnd an announcement on zen tables, i dont think my day could get any better! Cambridge ey, howdy neighbor. are you in the New England Pinball League? have i played with you lol? if your not come join...
ha nice, i'd probably pay money for that. not even a sports guy but Barkley was awesome that time he hosted SNL back in the Chris Farley days, which is why i always pick him when playing nba jam
"mostly in the dark about what's to come" you ARE playing a beta of The Shadow right now, i knew it!!! :D that's a joke, love you man, love all you guys, PINBALL!!!!
the 8 years thing was just a made up example since TPA was released 8 years ago... but wow if those licences were only 2 years they must have repaid some of those several times over. maybe one of the reasons they couldn't afford to grab more things? These people are all ready to bring out the...
maybe FS they just read all the crap talk on here and decided you know, screw us guys, were just a bunch of ungrateful jerks. I bet they return out of nowhere just to put out one of those old school just plunge it with no flippers 1950's tables just to laugh at us. ...and oh wow i love those...
my guess is zen cant even do all the licenced tables TPA did until the already paid for rights expire. for example lets say the deal was TPA gets addams family for 8 years, that makes zen have to wait 8 years from the date of that deal. Or TPA must be compensated and agree to let their deal go...
i know some people have it worse depending what console, but to me the pc version of TPA never seemed all that messed up. you could definilty list small stuff thats wrong but in the end it all works pretty decent. im happy they rushed the monthly releases, if they took twice as long we would of...
yeah what's going on with this heavy metal table is they do not care if it profits or not, it's a prepaid very low run commissioned from the Heavy Metal Magazine guys. So stern already made some profit from it or whatever. But they are having a preorder and running off extra machines for any...
okay so tmnt maybe the 2nd next table to be released, word now is a pin based on the classic Heavy Metal comics and movies will be the next stern. however it will be in a limited batch and only an expensive LE priced edition will exist, no pro. and it seems to be a retheme of the star wars home...
I dont think it's something they can ever nail and say this is exactly what it is. If they gave us access to whatever adjustment variables that handle the fx3 ball physics I bet we would all argue about what settings are more real and never come to an agreed conclusion, also it would drive us...
kind of makes you wonder if some of these might still see a release or if they are just old abandoned things. TPA has never come out and said they are done, they havnt released anything in a very long time but every time it comes up they swear more will come.
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