word on the streets is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be the next table from stern. not officially confirmed yet but allot of people are talking about it and it seems legit
^ afm2 would be great! i wish i had kept a calander of dates on when all the other packs came out so i had a better understanding of the random wait times. feel like any day now we will hear something. i wonder if we will see some of the bally/williams sneak its way into other catagories, SW...
this has been going on for a while now, at some point 5 or so months back i stumbled onto it on twitch. I didnt get what it was as I didnt watch it long, but i remember those plush dolls. this here link clearly isnt twitch but they either did or still also have it going there too, i dunno. not...
i still like and play tpa, zen is better for sure, but after zen i still think tpa is the best in digital pinball. and yeah ive played all the bootleg unofficial pinaball stuff too. i love making dmd's and modding other's tables into stuff with those but they are so prone to crashing.
this sounds cool, do you need to play on a specific platform (ps4/pc/ect) or is it crossplay? might have to buckle up and pay for ps+ or whatever just for this. could play on pc but I feel more comfterble with the my tv/couch setup than my computer desk.
Season 23 of the New England Pinball League just started up and I had a great first night. Didnt even bother to play my 3rd ball because i was up last and had 6x the other highest. Had just under 37 million, sure if I had been partnered with Bowin for the meet I would of lost but still feels...
this just in Jay Obernolte cracks the big LCD code, farsight gets rights to strangers things, elvira 3, jurrasic park and 50 other things, the TPA table count goes back to 100+. not satisfied with giving the fans of pinball enough Jay insists that all the tables be free. with such amazing free...
at this point i wouldnt expect them to fix anything bally/williams that doesnt already work. the pc steam version is the best there is but also not bug free. maybe some day a really awesome person will figure out how to mod it or make tools for a community to fix all the issues.
The suspense is driving me banana flippers. Because those gambling issues this next pack is going to be different. its gonna tell us stuff like... check it out we really are putting out some older tables and this is how we will be treating them, or look what awesome property we were able to get...
Stranger Things is AWESOME!!! had a good bunch of plays on the pro version at Roxy's a4cade in Cambridge MA and I love it. Ive played all the new sterns and it's really one of the best from the past couple years. I think I like Iron Maiden just a tiny bit more, but that might be because ive had...
the thing that really annoys me about all that is they specifically said they would continue to support and fix the williams bally tables when they let us know to buy them all right away because they were going out. i had already had a complete set on steam and threw a good 300 hundred more at...
oh wow, i was just saying last month on the other mini pinball thing that i wish zen would put one out in either Attack From Mars or MM. now if i could just afford one ha.
fx3 will be backwards compatible and all purchases you made on your ps4 or xbox will transfer over to the new console. zen and every single other company who released games on xbox1/ps4 will have no say in this it will just be the way it works. i think the reason we never saw resolution or...
I finally did get the pack and i am loving it! the enhancements are garbage but i don't play with that stuff on anyway. the sculpt of the head on CV is so spot on perfect when you look back at TPA. I just completed all the challenges on CV and then went back to the TPA version to really take in...
zen will prob come out of left feild with something horrible that is sure to still get them loot, like a new section just for disney princess tables lol. i think its too soon for them to start doing stern tables, that will effect us not getting many more bally/williams. really hope we get...
i think if they do announce that zen has stern that will be way too soon. what will happen if they get it and start releasing stern tables in 2020 is williams/bally will never get any or not enough pre-dmd love, it will mean they will fight less for the williams/bally lincened tables because...
nice cant wait till my area gets one of these. i totally said they need to make this a pin a couple years ago, i guess thats just a no brainer. im gonna make some predictions, next jersey jack is going to give us Forest Gump, and stern will give us Nightmare Before Christmas.
yeah im not at all serious. i just really want to charge in there with pitchforks and torches incoherently screaming about jaggies and demand they release some more stern 70s era tables.
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