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  1. alexk3954

    PS3 version. 112m. Ball one. 4 extras in reserve. Call attendant not working.

    Same here, it just turns into an endurance contest. I was just at 300 mil plus, ball one with four in reserve. I am now sitting at 440 mil on ball 2 with 4 in reserve. I think I just locked a 2nd ball, and what do you know, the ball gets stuck. Call attendant is not working and I am stuck on...
  2. alexk3954

    PS3 version. 112m. Ball one. 4 extras in reserve. Call attendant not working.

    Damn, I was hoping to hold that #2 spot for a little longer than that. Guess I have some score chasing to do!
  3. alexk3954

    Dead Pixel Interview with Mr. Bobby King

    Super exciting considering it was one of, if not the last Williams game and had such a limited run. TPA will be the only place most can ever play it. I found one in fantastic condition near me a few months back when I lived in San Francisco, but I had to move to the other side of the state...
  4. alexk3954

    Dead Pixel Interview with Mr. Bobby King

    OH yeah! so excited for cactus canyon. Locks are lit and so am I!
  5. alexk3954

    Flipper Friction needed: This can improve most/all tables

    Is it just me, or is the ball rolling down the flippers from a dead stop a lot more slowly on NGG (PS3 version)?
  6. alexk3954

    extra ball question?

    Thats the problem, when you stack EBs, the table knows it and just slams them right into the outlane to show you who is boss
  7. alexk3954

    extra ball question?

    This is not correct at all. I have seen "extra balls - 3" and "extra balls - 2" on the status report many times. Unless I am totally losing my mind, you can stack EBs
  8. alexk3954

    Elvira and Gofers just went LIVE !

    Both tables are a ton of fun and look great! Only 3 games on EATPM and am somehow already #2 on the leaderboards :)
  9. alexk3954

    If You Could Make One Rule Change Per Table, What Would They Be?

    The center lane does count for mummy jackpot
  10. alexk3954

    Quotes Removed/Changed By Family Mode

    I wonder if it would be possible to switch this if we had access to the operators menu. Or would that force the entire TPA to receive a different rating?
  11. alexk3954

    Rom Coin Door Option

    Thanks for the replies serenseven, Mike, and sellenoff Thats great to hear about the pro versions of the tables, I am very excited! I hope there is a pro version of scared stiff. I am so sad that the family mode is turned on. The audio on that table always cracks me up
  12. alexk3954

    What is a "Pro" Table?

    The pro version is not for everyone. For people who are really into TPA, 4 dollars is nothing. A total of 6.50 for unlimited play on a table with access to the operators menu is next to nothing. I could go and blow 3 times that amount on one evening of real pinball (w/o access to the...
  13. alexk3954

    Rom Coin Door Option

    Serenseven, why would access to the op menu introduce bugs? All those options are built into the ROM, and most tables are ROM emulated, so its not like you are going to be confusing the software. I guess I'm just not very tech savvy...
  14. alexk3954

    curious about leaderboard high scores?

    Yea let me know when you figure that one out... My left hand definitely gets sore if multiball is going well
  15. alexk3954

    curious about leaderboard high scores?

    Ha that 65 bil is mine! Sorry, I just had to brag. I dont think that is the top though, maybe top ps3... When I put that up it was #5. I was loving CFTBL, but after a 3 hour+ game I cant bring myself to play it much anymore.
  16. alexk3954

    Two stage flippers poll

    It may be how it's "supposed to be", but I would wager that someone relatively new to pinball could play a real table and not even notice dual stage flippers, there is no way not to notice the presence of them on ps3. They need to make the upper flippers more sensitive or something. I would...
  17. alexk3954

    Pinball injuries

    I've never done anything like that, but after playing pinball in a museum for an entire day my wrists were nearly too sore to bend from all than nudging.
  18. alexk3954

    Request General Wish List Thread

    We need a toggle for dual stage flippers on PS3. I never actually use them and it is very obnoxious having to smash the buttons even for a slightly delayed response.
  19. alexk3954

    iOS - Bug Ball Occasionally Passes Through Right Wall Back To Plunger

    Has happened to me twice on PS3. It happens when I slam the ball with the inlane/outlane post to avoid a drain and the ball move right through the wall to the plunger
  20. alexk3954

    Bug Ball rolls through right flipper

    Yup, exactly how it happened for me

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