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  1. alexk3954

    Pinballs no longer flying off the table?

    I think they should try to emulate as accurately as possible, including the possibility for the ball to become airborne. They just need to add glass so that we get that fun cracking sound instead of balls flying off the table.
  2. alexk3954

    General PS3 Impressions Thread

    Thanks for all of the excellent work farsight. TPA plays perfectly and looks amazing on ps3. If anyone was curious, the twitching flipper problem from WPHOF on ps3 has been fixed. I haven't noticed it happen once!
  3. alexk3954

    General PS3 Impressions Thread

    Are flippers twitching for anyone on the PS3 version? I couldn't play WPHOF without plugging in my ps3 controller because the flippers would twitch if you held the button for too long. Plugging the controller in fixed this problem but I would like to play wirelessly. I already have TPA for...
  4. alexk3954

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Some table I would love to see are Cactus Canyon Simpson's Pinball Party Star Trek TNG Scared Stiff Whitewater
  5. alexk3954

    Pinballs no longer flying off the table?

    So far I have played a lot and have only seen it happen once on ToM
  6. alexk3954

    IGN Review

    Just goes to show you can't spell ignorant without IGN. "There are only three camera options, none of which are static; tracking the ball can be disorienting" Uhhhhhhhh, did you guys play the game for more than a few minutes?
  7. alexk3954

    Requests/suggestion for next xbla update?

    I think I found a bug. I got the believe it or not scoop lit twice and it awarded add a ball both times during atlantis. However, no balls were added to my game...
  8. alexk3954

    P3 prototype table....

    We will see when there is a full themed version of it. Looking at this blank canvas prototype doesn't inspire much hope in me. I think I would rather play a normal SS pinball, but we will see what people can do with this p3.
  9. alexk3954

    The Official PSN ID Thread

    I will spend most of my TPA time on PS3, my name is xREVERIEx. Hope to play some great games with you all soon!
  10. alexk3954

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    It sounds like at least Elvira and the Party Monsters is semi-confirmed "We hope to make an announcement about this soon :) Elvira and the Party Monsters is another great table!"- TPA
  11. alexk3954

    Halloween Themed DLC Pack

    All I can say is: It's time to get ....... SCARED STIFF!
  12. alexk3954

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    That "crazy ball acceleration device" is the super charger. THe getaway does have ancillary licenses because of the music; La Grange by ZZ top or something like that. Hopefully they can get that license

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