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  1. S

    Dedicated Pinball PC Build Resolution Question

    I run 2160x3840 settings on a 1080x1920 monitor (portrait only for TPA) and it looks completely normal ( a little bit better than full-HD of course ;-) ) The tables are fine, but the menü is a little bit off the buttons, because TPA DX11 doesn't completely support downscaling with the actual UI...
  2. S

    Friday the 13th

    Silly, had a pretty good day.
  3. S

    Favorite lines

    BoP: "I can speak"..."Oh No" (always makes me laugh) MM: nearly everything F14: " they come!"
  4. S

    Version 1.43.7

    DX9 had no new UI either.
  5. S

    Version 1.43.7

    Opted in too, no new UI.
  6. S

    Frankenstein running badly compared to other tables (DX11)

    Overclocked GTX780ti, running double resolution in the settings. No Problems at all.
  7. S

    Do you rant when playing TPA?

    It can't be long until my Xbox360 controller will be so destroyed that I need a new one. So yes I get a little out of control sometimes. :cool:
  8. S

    Halloween Tourney Bug Scared Stiff

    That's not the only bug in SS. I got the "crate won't open" bug. Would have been the second Scared Stiff multiball. Really sad because I love the effect of the lights going out, Elvira saying that ultracute "Ohoh" and then the table going wild. :cool:
  9. S

    PC Tourney 2015-10-23: MSF, BSD, TAF, HH, SS, EatPM, TZ, MB

    I didn't really mean what I said. :p I know thta there is no tourney setup for the table. I justed wanted to vent some frustration over a really bad run.
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    PC Tourney 2015-10-23: MSF, BSD, TAF, HH, SS, EatPM, TZ, MB

    Tournament working now. Did I miss some new tourney settings like PAPA does? Monster Bash is killing me. My personal record is over 700M and now im stuck with 31M. Magnets in the outlanes and a more than nasty SDTM drain from a right ramp brick.:confused::(:mad:
  11. S

    Version 1.43.7

    To say it here again, me and at least one other person can't really play the tournament, because we are in the wrong tear with no leaderboards and no score counting.
  12. S

    PC Tourney 2015-10-23: MSF, BSD, TAF, HH, SS, EatPM, TZ, MB

    I'm in bronze too. I should also be in Silver. And I also can't get any scores to count.
  13. S

    MS Frankenstein Twitchstream.....

    Is anywhere a time mentioned when the patch will be out in europe? EDIT: the release a short time later answered that question :D
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    Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

    Is it out or were the achievements out a week earlier this time?
  15. S

    Request Blackwater 100

    Just watched a video of it and I would love to see this machine in TPA.
  16. S

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Tried it, everything on normal speed for me on DX11.
  17. S

    PC Tournament 2015-09-25: F-14, WhD, FT, TOff, ElDo, HD3, BS, LCA

    Just got better scores on some tables, still crappy scores, but should be enough to stay in silver.
  18. S

    For All Those That Say TPA Is A Glitchy Bug Filled Game...

    In times where new games need easily over 50GB of discspace, I think 11GB is kinda small and my 1TB SSD doesn't care aswell.:cool: As for the glitchfest in that video, I'm afraid it is normal these days to use your customer as the betatester. Very sad to see something like that.
  19. S

    PC Tournament 2015-09-25: F-14, WhD, FT, TOff, ElDo, HD3, BS, LCA

    YAY HD3 can also loose a ball in multiball :mad:

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