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  1. Longi

    So TPA is coming to Xbox One in June (hopefully)

    one week left. Any news? :-)
  2. Longi

    FX-Sound Quality is bad

    We need a clear and crisp sound on all tables. Some sounds very good (like TZ or HRC). Some sounds low (like HS or ATM) In my opinion they sounds all different :( I cannot imagine that the real tables sounds like that (digital ones)!
  3. Longi

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Hell no! The sound is not that good it should be.
  4. Longi

    Engine needs upgrade

    I want to see some "Strobe Multiball" on Attack from Mars like this:
  5. Longi

    Demos for Table Pack #3 missing

    I´ve never seen some free trial versions like on iOS and PC/Steam. Why there are no table demos we could play till some highscore limit?
  6. Longi

    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    some (portrait view) screenshots would be nice :)
  7. Longi

    Most Wanted Feature? Dream with me...

    1. DX11 PC/Steam update 2. Highres Playfield textures 3. Better sound quality 4. Moveable DMD and a Backglas (cab support) 5. Adjustable view angle 6. More pins in real life (in Germany/Bars)
  8. Longi

    Request Texture question

    any updates or plans?
  9. Longi

    FX-Sound Quality is bad

    yeah its a nice option with the different sliders now. But i noticed a creaking sound if i turned the fx louder. :confused:
  10. Longi

    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    so any updates? Are the Post Prosessing experience on ATI the same as on nVidia Graphic cards now?
  11. Longi

    Steam Summer Sale starts June 19th

    Damn. Thanks. Vaaalve c'mon :cool:
  12. Longi

    Steam Summer Sale starts June 19th

    Mikeeee c'mon please make that a daily deal will come :p Steam summer sale runs out in a few days! :eek: :o:rolleyes:
  13. Longi

    Friend Leaderboards

    Great work Mike
  14. Longi

    Request Texture question

    Okay thanks Mike! Maybe it could be possible to switch the resolution in the settings for people who have more processing power!? That would be awesome! Like in other Games: more Power = higher settings :cool:
  15. Longi

    Request Texture question

    I recognized that the Season 3 tables looks more high res. The older Tables on my 40" PinCab seems washed out and blurry. Sometimes I can't read the letter clearly although all PC settings maxed out :( Mike could we see sharper play field scans in the future?
  16. Longi

    Pro Pinball

    any news? :)
  17. Longi

    Pro Pinball

    Damn that's beautiful! I wish i could see AFM in this graphic :rolleyes: Good job so far!
  18. Longi

    timeframe on dx11

    Hi superballs, the PC-Version depends on the xBox-Version right? So the PS-Versions got some lightning update and looks more beautiful in my opinion. I am jealous about that. Okay the PC-Version got the portrait view since an update. But why not the Console-Versions? If so than it would be...
  19. Longi

    timeframe on dx11

    I don't get why the PS & xBox-versions have no portrait view. I don't get why the iOS/Android-versions have some. I don't get why the PC-version are so far behind and have no cab/2screen mode... I think it's because of every platform needs his selling point for a moment. There is no version...
  20. Longi

    1st time desktop buyer....please help me!!

    YES! :cool:

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