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  1. Longi

    I didn't even realize...

    Nice! Thx PinWiz :-)
  2. Longi

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    Same here! Otherwise there is no reason to switch the platform (from PS3/iOS >PC) imo ;)
  3. Longi

    Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

    I hope FarSight will release Junk Yard :o
  4. Longi

    I know Portrait Mode is coming for PC, but just to make sure...

    Portrait mode only for the "mobile devices" so far i think. Why FarSight??? Please give us the option on all plattforms. you said in a video that you will bring us the "best PinballSim on earth" (or something) a portrait-mode? ....without a second screen support? Dont be angry...
  5. Longi

    I know Portrait Mode is coming for PC, but just to make sure...

    Wow! Is that the graphic of the Vita-version? Damn my iPad sucks :D Where is the portrait-mode for the PS3? Will it come?
  6. Longi

    360 - Request Portrait Mode

    At this point i want a portrait mode for all platforms. Why its in the iOS/Android version but not in the xBox/PS3-version??? And why didnt the PC-version support this from Day one? Cant get it :confused: Is it so complicate to integrate it?
  7. Longi

    PSN Maintenance Scheduled for Tuesday, June 25th

    we need the season-packs in the psn-eu store! :mad:
  8. Longi

    iPhone as 2.screen/DMD

    Hello FarSight! Is there any possibility in near future to couple my iPhone via bluetooth with my iPad to play TPA as a little PinCab?? That would be awesome! The API seems available like "Amidio Inc." (Futulele + remote app) or "DrumKick" does. Please make it possible :o:rolleyes:
  9. Longi

    Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3

    Yeah but without a second screen support (DMD separately) and the possibility to rotate the playfield-screen only half of fun :p
  10. Longi

    Pinball FX2 is coming to Steam on May 10th!

    But without a second screen (DMD separately) only half of fun :rolleyes:
  11. Longi

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    Well flywithsean but we are talking about the PC version. ;) The possibility to rotate the screen (and a dual screen support!!) would be awesome for ALL plattforms of course! DO IT FarSight :rolleyes::cool::) Any news about that?

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