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  1. StarDust4Ever

    Pinball After Dark

    LOL, kidnapping is a serious crime! :rolleyes: Good luck to ya! ;)
  2. StarDust4Ever

    Pinball After Dark

    The kiddies can have their pinball too. 12 year olds these days seem to be playing violent FPS such as Halo and Call of Duty. If I had a son, I'd prefer he'd play an old Xenon table any day over a bloody FPS. He probably wouldn't even notice the tits in the artwork, and if he did, I'd give him a...
  3. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    Or they could just push High Speed and not worry about licensing at all...
  4. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    I don't see how the "bait and switch" deal is relavent. An example would be, you pay $30 (or $40 pro) for season X under the impression you're getting 10 fully digitized simulators of vintage pinball tables. Then they pull a Zen and you get 10 completely made up fantasy pinball themes. That...
  5. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    For me, the clincher was a photo in a high school Phys Ed textbook of a healthy lung side-by-side with a smoker's lung. I was up late studying for a test. Before I went to bed, I vowed never to take that first puff. To this day, I never did... ;)
  6. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    Nice. Teach kids to smoke and ride the gravvy train for the next 40 years until they die of lung cancer. What do you say? Victim? Nonsense, he chose to do it. :cool:
  7. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    Doesn't matter. How many times have you heard complaints of TV shows rereleased on DVD and a particularly memorable scene is ruined by substituted songs in the soundtrack, yet reruns on television still use the original tracks. It is a very big deal, especially when people who legitamately...
  8. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    I love the police beacon in the game. Also who the freak cares if the display is matrix or alpha-numeric. The DMD display and the (glorified Atari 2600 Enduro clone) racing minigame on said display are about the only things Getaway has going for it over High Speed. ZZtop is awesome but I've got...
  9. StarDust4Ever

    Pinball After Dark

    I got Custer's Revenge and Beat 'em and Eat 'em for the Atari 2600; do those count? :o
  10. StarDust4Ever

    Pinball After Dark

    I seriously doubt that any of the existing production pinball tables would earn an AO rating. A pair of tits on the artwork in an otherwise PG table (Xenon) would likely earn a "M" for Mature rating. It would not likely be an issue for Xbox Live or PSN marketplaces, however Andriod/iOS or other...
  11. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    Aw, shucks... I'm gonna go on the record before anyone else steals my thunder, and predict High Speed for table packs 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. Basically the entire remainder of season 3 will be High Speed. Maybe??? :rolleyes:
  12. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    So if one lives in the US, where do I get real Liquorice candy?
  13. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    When I was a young boy, I went out hiking with my uncle into the woods once and he found a sassafras tree. He cut one of the roots, being careful not to disturb the other roots so that the tree would live. He took it home, washed it, boiled it, and made sassafras tea. It had a very strong root...
  14. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    Do they make a root beer out of liquorice root? I had a ginger beer once (like root beer but made from ginger root instead of sassafras root). It was really good. I think liquorice root would make a nice base for soft drink. It'd prolly be expensive, but good...
  15. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    Liquorice root. Sounds tasty. I'll have to go to one of those organic/health food stores to see if they have any stuff with real liquorice root. However I'm overweight as it is, and I read somewhere real liquorice (not the fake stuff) is bad for your heart/metabolism. I'm so jealous... My...
  16. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    Wierd, I always thought Jager tasted like gingerbread for some reason, but I guess it may have a hint of liquorice as well. A few years ago I started drinking the stuff, but after having a couple extremely bad hangovers, I can't touch the **** anymore. LOL about liquorice. I don't mind the...
  17. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    I love me some classic pipe organ music. One reason I like Haunted House and 1812 so much. Even if it's just synths, it's still cool. Anyone else think of Robot Chicken whenever they play 1812?
  18. StarDust4Ever

    Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

    Yes, but when your biggest customers come in and consistently ask for Chocolate Chip Cookie dough, you start stocking chocolate chip cookie dough. Otherwise that baskin Robbins down the street will start looking very attractive. Currently, TPA sells a vaiety of flavors and themes. DMD, SS...
  19. StarDust4Ever

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    Not to mention dozens of films, musicals, plays, songs, etc... Do not forget the 1986 musical featuring Sarah Brightman... Surely they must have reused elements from some adaptations along the way. It's possible the makers of the pinball table could have "borrowed" elements and called it a...

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