So no 8BD or racing themed tables this time around. TPA guys must really love doing spooky/monster themed tables, since we seem to have to many of them already. No offense to anyone, but Tee'd Off was quite obviously coming IMO due to the PSN leak.
I'm still waiting for High Speed to arrive...
Still worth it in my humble opinion, especially if you don't have an android or apple device, and you want to get table packs on day one and play them with a real game controller. Farsight should really consider icade and pinball controller support for TPA on apple and android.
Tales from the Crypt would be awesome. I remember seeing those tables at numerous places when I was a kid.
Sadly, my parents were the frugal type and considered arcades a waste of money, so I never learned the joys of arcade games on my meager 50 cents/week allowance. Other kids would get...
I finally got sick of playing Goin' Nuts and tried Flight2000. Quite a good table actually as I played a number of rounds last night. The peg between the flipper design is a little unconventional for an SS and feels like a throwback to some of the old EM designs. I have to employ a bit different...
I just started collecting vinyl in 2012... ;)
Best to spend some money on a good turntable with a decent stylus and an adjustable tone arm. Not those janky USB turntables which could actually damage the records.
Or cop show image enhancement, for that matter...:o
And will continue to do so...
And if I go to the store right now and buy an Xbox, I will have access to exactly zero tables as well. Only Xbox users who bought the game before if got pulled get "grandfathered" in.
Currently Ouya is the only TV console getting day one TPA updates!:cool:
I think there's a distinct possibility, however mindlessly "whacking" the balls up towards the top of the table does not require great skill, intelligence, or dexterity, and I believe most players start out playing this way. Like anything else, the more you practice, the better you get at it...
Sometimes when I come across a game that gives me a choice between hitting the right flipper for one option and the left flipper for another option, I do a quick mental coin flip and just go with my gut without thinking about the consequences. If I really get into the table and take time to...
Yes, but the only means to access such data will be illegal ROM sharing sites, unless you meticulously thought to root your device and back it up yourself before the device's End of Life (EOL). And somehow I doubt iPads will last 30+ years like Atari and others. Flash memory goes bad over time...
And I might add that since the 8th generation consoles will be the last to use physical media (dics), eventually everything 9th generation and up will become vaporware (including 7th and 8th gen digital downloads, and even 8th gen game discs which enable online DRM - don't kid yourself, as both...
Because some gamers like to be reassured that they can keep their games forever. I have an Atari VCS that's over 30 years old, for instance, and almost every Nintendo console ever made.
I'm fine with more EMs releasing on TPA, especially with gameplay on par with Big Shot. Games are over faster usually, but they are no less engaging. You simply play more games as a result. Also the 5-ball mode is a nice touch to extend the games as well.
Just curious, how many platforms are available for betas? I pledged for the pro pack bronze backer, so it doesn't really affect me either way. I just hope Ouya is supported for rewards somehow, despite there's no indication (yet) that they will support download codes.
Also, and I know that...
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