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  1. Jim O'Brien

    Marvel Pinball - Favorite Table?

    Fear Itself is also my new favorite, it used to be Wolverine.
  2. Jim O'Brien

    Hitting The Highwire Ramp Consistently

    I'm different then I guess some of my best games are first try, if I have a real good game though I move on to another table.
  3. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 - Bug Battle for the Kingdom sometimes will not light

    Silly question are you using the right flipper to hit hit the castle or the left ? Personally I always try to use the right, some of those shots from the left flipper...well I'm not exactly sure where they are going even when I hit the castle gate dead on.
  4. Jim O'Brien

    Red and Ted's roadshow

    Farsight could probably just remove that feature in the operators menu, in fact if I remember correctly from Visual Pinball I'm almost sure you can do that with all Buy-in tables.
  5. Jim O'Brien

    Request General Wish List Thread

    Good points there and another thing I never though of is that it would be too hard to do it justice for phones and android devices. Still would be nice to have it on the consoles though.
  6. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 DLC Impressions

    They should do a portrait mode for consoles as well, I would totally run a cord to my PC monitor.
  7. Jim O'Brien

    This table still has camera problems

    This happens on PS3 as well. Did they end up moving those outlane posts ?
  8. Jim O'Brien

    FarSight, please don't fix the MM flipper gap "problem"

    It's that way on PS3 so far, I know they are using the model from previous releases though. Check out pics at and compare it to Pinball Arcade's Medieval Madness don't go by the flyers. There is a nice shot of the lower playfield and the big difference I see is the position of the right...
  9. Jim O'Brien

    Hitting The Highwire Ramp Consistently

    This ramp drives me crazy and I don't think I have a good enough handle on it yet. Do most of you hit it with the left flipper or the right ? Seems to me you can't hit the ramp from a trapped ball shot (right flipper) but it seems to work when the ball is coming down the Strike An Ark habitrail...
  10. Jim O'Brien

    Bug Camera Stays on Plunger After Launch

    Happened to me a few minutes ago had a real good game going joined the circus, strike an ark multiball going with something else, and the camera stayed in the plunger cam I could not even see most of the flippers. It's a game breaker that's for sure.
  11. Jim O'Brien

    DLC Pack #3 & #4 Coming August! + Screenshots

    I'm hoping they polish up the core tables. TOM & TOTAN with the dull locked balls and Black Hole needs a complete makeover. Those green lines on TOM look kind of silly too, I liked it before the update so much more.
  12. Jim O'Brien

    Red and Ted's roadshow

    There is a real Road Show close to where I live, mind you it is in bad shape it was still fun to play. I would love to see this game make it to Pinball Arcade.
  13. Jim O'Brien

    Favorite MM lines?

    I'll crush you like a Farsight first release DLC
  14. Jim O'Brien

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    That list looks very similar to what I would pick with a few exceptions.
  15. Jim O'Brien

    What is Pin*Bot saying?

    It's a great table (Xenon) and I hope Pinball Arcade will have it one day, but the more I play Bride I think that this is the model Farsight should follow just because it plays great and camera angle #1 is perfect. Wish it was set up that way for the other tables and unlike some of the other...
  16. Jim O'Brien

    What is Pin*Bot saying?

    Got to love those funky vocoders if we ever get Xenon she will put all of Brides sexyness to shame.
  17. Jim O'Brien

    DLC Pack #3 & #4 Coming August! + Screenshots

    How can they have an approval process just to add patches to the game ? Sorry but I'm lost here, it's not like they are adding content to the game.
  18. Jim O'Brien

    Do you prefer the new lighting on the original tables?

    Yes they did same thing happened with TOM.
  19. Jim O'Brien

    DLC Pack #3 & #4 Coming August! + Screenshots

    Is that how it is working with iOS as well ? Farsight seems to be more on top of things with those devices.

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