The only time I feel it is real slow is whenever multiball kicks in, but I'm not surprised I've played a lot of visual pinball and there are a huge number of lights flashing and I'm sure it effects gameplay even on consoles I'm playing it on PS3.
Actually those outlanes are not the problem, but it is the posts that are beside them. They are set to hard (all the way to the top) on most machines you can set these to three settings easy, medium, and of coarse hard.
Personally with this one having those outlane posts set to hard I find myself not nudging when the ball is headed for the outlanes, instead I flip the opposite flipper that the ball is headed for and I find that works better than a nudge. That's how I play pinball on all the tables try it and...
I would imagine Black Knight is going to be super fast on Arcade, way more than it ever was on PHoF so it should be interesting to see how it plays out. CFTBL is a great table and scores go pretty high on it because it is not that difficult. There is a real Black Knight table kind of close to...
Think it would be cool if they added the glass on all the tables like they did with PHoFWC, seeing the backglass reflect off of it was an awesome effect. Hope they add online multiplayer real soon as well with video and voice chat.
I'm trying to like it because I think it looks great and plays way better than it ever did on PHoF, fire that up and see what happens when you get multiball it was total slow down city. I'm going to have to get a camera and take some pics of my flippers they are a lot different than the ones...
Well the good thing with Funhouse is if you do mess up three ball multiball for a chance to hit the trap door it rewards you with hidden hallway multiball (two ball) if you can make that all important advance the clock and extra ball shot. Very easy shot imo off of the left flipper.
When I play I nine times out of ten I don't get my rhythm until ball three and then it's a fight just to hit 25mill for that extra ball. I can nudge pretty good, but those outlanes can be a real bi**h.
That is a real good image of it Turtle and I play it on PS3 if you want to see something real goofy press both flippers up on a game and look at the gap between them and you'll know right away that there is defiantly way too much space there. My question to Farsight is when the next patch comes...
It would be real cool if Farsight could make this happen, they would probably have to do it without a real one to work from though and that would be a hard challenge for sure. Then again all the authors at Visual Pinball do it so it is possible.
Funhouse is the best version I've ever played hands down (Visual Pinball or Williams Collection) and it has been so long since I played the real one that it is good to hear all of Rudy's comments again it brought back a lot of good memories. Thank you Farsight for using the original roms.
I noticed this as well and it is the same thing with TOTAN. I'm not sold on how dark the core tables DMD looks now (think it looked way better before).
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