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  1. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    This. Many people have TPA on more than one platform and would like to have Gold access on all of them rather than being forced to choose one. EDIT: Never mind! FarSight just added a new tier: $150 gets you five Gold editions!
  2. Sean DonCarlos

    Addams kick starter

    Not on the standard machine. I don't know about the Gold machine; I've only played one once (and it wasn't even a real Gold, it was a standard with the Gold ROM) and it was a long time ago.
  3. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    There are only two in my mind that might possibly succeed: TSPP and LOTR. Even then, FarSight would probably need to limit the kickstarter to $100K max, and pay for the rest of the license themselves - and announce upfront that they are doing so. To be honest, I'd rather see future "premium"...
  4. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Well, I didn't play much pinball in any form for about 10 years before TPA came out. So between the game itself on two and a half platforms (the 360 really doesn't count), the four kickstarters; and the on the real pinball side coin drop, league fees, tournament fees, the two real machines in my...
  5. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I have no interest in Christopher Lloyd's likeness as a stretch goal. He had his chance to play and passed. I'm not rewarding him for it now. Twilight Zone had a legitimate $5,000 backer.
  6. Sean DonCarlos

    Android - Request Compiling list of Android Beta Testers

    Oh, I know what "munged" means. It has a special place in the hearts of those practitioners of the dark arts of software development:
  7. Sean DonCarlos

    Android - Request Compiling list of Android Beta Testers

    Now there's a word I haven't seen in ages.
  8. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Yeah, I play quite a bit on iOS and some on would be nice to have TAFG on both instead of having to pick one.
  9. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Normally I'd counsel patience, but yeah, ten days is too long between updates. A kickstarter is not something that benefits from passive management; you really have to feed a campaign updates regularly to get the most out of it.
  10. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    While I did exhume the dead horse to answer a question, let's move on from speculating about it. FarSight's personnel matters aren't really our business anyhow.
  11. Sean DonCarlos

    2560 x 1440 resolution looks horrible

    I know that on my machine (twin GTX 480s in SLI mode), I had to turn Pinball Arcade's AA off and then set up a profile for TPA in the nVidia configuration and tell it to override 8x AA on. For some reason my cards don't like TPA telling them what to do. ;)
  12. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    A FarSight employee announced her resignation in one of the Kickstarter updates for T2. It was extraordinarily awkward.
  13. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    That, and when you ask someone to think of great Williams/Bally tables of the 1990s, TZ, ST:TNG and TAF will all be popular answers. T2 isn't quite in the same league.
  14. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Watch the tone...I'm not nearly so tolerant of oafish behavior as Kickstarter seems to be...
  15. Sean DonCarlos

    ok, just asking... JJ WOZ IN TPA FEASIBILITY???? :0

    It would be spectacularly rough for the mobile devices. I don't know if you've ever looked below a Wizard of Oz's playfield, but there is actually an entire Linux-based PC sitting in the bottom of the cabinet. Modern Sterns still have the circuit boards in the backbox. I don't recall off-hand...
  16. Sean DonCarlos

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Neither. They'll send you a survey when the table's closer to release asking which platform(s) you want it on.
  17. Sean DonCarlos

    I HATE Lightening Flippers! Who Else Agrees?

    Doctor Who and Popeye have them as well.
  18. Sean DonCarlos

    Not Yet Ready to Go On the Cart [NP]

    Actually, once that lawn mower failed for the sixth time, I scrapped it and went out and bought an electric one. Takes it a bit longer to do the whole yard, but I no longer have to worry about it not starting.
  19. Sean DonCarlos

    Not Yet Ready to Go On the Cart [NP]

    For the record, I'm not dead, nor did I abandon the forum. But I did need to take a short break to focus on family and business matters. I'm back now, and look forward to resuming regular posting soon. Bug service for the Master Issues Lists should also resume soon; I put BSD's up today.
  20. Sean DonCarlos

    Table Master Issues Lists v2.0

    I'm not dead after all! :) 27 Sep 2014 Created initial list for Bram Stoker's Dracula. Other recent tables will get their lists created (in reverse order of release) as time permits.

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