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  1. Bonzo

    RFE: Should Standard and Wizard Goals Be Nested in Google Play Games Achievements

    I'd say leave the standard and wizard goals separated. It's awkward sometimes and I still haven't managed to get Harem Multiball. But somehow i think it should stay the way it is.
  2. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Damn, H. At least give us a chance to respond! ;P
  3. Bonzo

    Thoughts on table depth and Atlantis FINALLY!

    Awesome! Looking forward to the 'from 2 to 20 billion in one hour' episode! ;)
  4. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I'm off to bed soon, so Heretic needs new company...
  5. Bonzo

    do pinballers have a higher iq than.....

    Whats an iq? And how do you pronounce it? 'Eek', 'Ike'? ;P
  6. Bonzo

    WOAH! Talk about a museumpiece.

    Stop with that FUD bullcrap! They have every table apart from GN on site, as has been said quite often and confirmed by syt when he paid FS a visit. And they do not "pull up old save files".
  7. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Chat's open, but we'll be all quiet if Skill_Shot shows up without pinging us. Why, you ask? Because we can! ;P
  8. Bonzo

    Release Build Link List

    Unfortunately the newest version lags like hell on my old single core device. Any chance you could update this thread, so that I can go back to 1.15, Ryan.
  9. Bonzo

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I'm there. But you aren't, H... o.O
  10. Bonzo

    Well, better late than never...

    Welcome to the fold. ;P Fellow bass player here, but only for 21 years.
  11. Bonzo

    EXTRABALL - Pinball Museum In Neuwied, Germany [photos]

    Second room upstairs: Fourth room upstairs:
  12. Bonzo

    EXTRABALL - Pinball Museum In Neuwied, Germany [photos]

    First room upstairs:
  13. Bonzo

    EXTRABALL - Pinball Museum In Neuwied, Germany [photos]

    Third room downstairs:
  14. Bonzo

    EXTRABALL - Pinball Museum In Neuwied, Germany [photos]

    Almost everything, Vyrastas. Apart from those really ancient tables in the first post, everything that is displayed and in working condition can be played. No free play, though. Entry fee is €5, and with that you get 5 Deutsche Mark (our old currency before the Euro) with every play on every...
  15. Bonzo

    Beta 16

    Gingerbread... tyvm, HTC! :(
  16. Bonzo

    Beta 16

    Yup, old phone here. Finally had a look at the latest build. No good on my phone unfortunately. The only good news is that of all the tables I've tested Big Shot, Firepower, Gorgar and Genie run smooth as silk, maybe even a little better than before. On the other hand all other tables suffer...
  17. Bonzo

    Time to join in!

    Welcome to the fold.

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