Okay Pet3r, I concede. You raise some good points. I just really really like WH2O, but yes you are probably right.
So here are my nominations for top 5. If I can't have WH2O and since this is regarding real tables, I'm putting Shadow in.
Twilight Zone
Attack From Mars
Monster Bash
Pet3r, isn't the issue similar to STTNG with the artifacts? If I only get 2 or 3 artifacts, Vs 8, I'm not maximizing my score and my jackpots are 1/3 of what they could have been. At least with WH20, you generally have a few shots at multiballs in one game... Which is more rare in STTNG.
I did not know that about Strobe, I had a similar opinion to you... that it was a low scoring multi (I'm sure it looks really cool in person though). Can you complete rule the universe multiple times in AFM, I don't recall? I thought once you complete the saucers it remains open for the rest of...
Agreed on TOM, it shouldn't be in the top 5 for this thread's purpose. I've played MM some more, and now that I'm noticing the Merlin issues, I'm finding it annoying. I'm going to defer to AFM instead.
Why isn't Lights, Camera Action not mentioned for top 5 yet?
Pet3r, told you about the TAF magnets! Regarding WW/WH20, a 3X the multiball at raft 2=$36MM, this is almost the same as getting 1X the multi-ball at Wet Willies (around $30MM). Playing well, getting ahead in the rafts is critical in doing well. You can't just do well on a multiball at the...
I enjoy TZ because of:
The balanced scoring
The toys (Powerball, battle the power)
The theme
The flow
Multiple flippers
Deep ruleset
Modes that can run concurrently
A cool wizard mode
I've played Tales from the Crypt, but much younger before I 'got' pinball rules. Regarding CC, the very specific (and vague) means of obtaining high scores is a problem with the scoring in itself. You can be nailing shots, but not get points. I put CC in this category of too specific rules that...
I had only played STTNG a few times, as I'm not a Trekkie and couldn't get into the theme. And when I did play, I couldn't really bump properly with the two gun things in the way. Nevertheless, given your recommendation (Pet3r), I gave the table the attention it deserves. And I can say it is...
Pet3r, glad you are enjoying The Shadow. It's nice to get into the zen of hitting the vengeance diverters. With good gameplay it's possible to get between 1 and 3 billion without final battle. Final battle is something people may complete once or twice a year (it's not like tour the Mansion...
5) Ah so having timed modes is a good thing. If you hold the flipper on modes, you will definitely have your score negatively impacted and you won't do as well.
6) in Star Trek there are the two phaser things/guns that sit over the outlines. When I play, I have no control over saving or losing...
Some good thoughts in this thread. I'll just share a few of my comments:
1) Pet3r: Good point about the linear scoring on AFM, I never really thought of this but I agree. I think if you could essentially retake Mars/ the universe again, it would prevent this flaw (if you can call it that) from...
Great thread PET3R. Have you ever played The Shadow? Excellent table with great flow and very balanced scoring. What are your thoughts on it? Not in Pinball Arcade, but who knows?
Regarding Addams Family, I agree it has a really good layout, but it's over use of the magnets near the flippers...
I use the shake tile, and I notice on some tables, I shake just once (and gently) it gives an automatic tilt. It seems disruptive to the play experience. Anyone else notice this? Some tables this happens on are Firepower and Haunted House. What do you think?
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