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  1. S

    Williams Pinball Volume 6

    I'll be really interested to see the physics of the Mix Master, something that always seemed weird in TPA, same with other revolving toys (the Cup in Diner (though Creature has this even though I don't get to see it in operation a lot), roulette wheel in High Roller Casino, Taxi, etc.).
  2. S

    Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses

    I've never played Space Station. Any ideas why Farsight never did this unlicensed table?
  3. S

    Pinball Museum Rotterdam...

    Might want to put an NSFW tag on this...
  4. S

    Zen PinCab

    Beautiful. Played that at California Extreme last year.
  5. S

    STERN Future Tables Speculation

    They actually mentioned this table on Kotaku! I was really happy to see pinball mentioned/represented there. And that spinning pizza really matches what I played back in the day:
  6. S

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Safe Cracker is the one for me that I have not moved beyond 1 star. After 3-starring Junkyard yesterday, Safe Cracker is the only one left that I haven't upgraded at all. My part counts for most tables are pretty good. I have in the 80s or 90s for most of my 3-star tables. It's my coin count...
  7. S

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    I opened up the fourth challenge as soon as I could (the free coin bonus a few months ago made it possible), but I think I hurt my coin counts by a) accessing the fifth challenge reward too many times for one coin each (stupid ball trails and flipper types) and b) spending five coins...
  8. S

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    No the server is just wonky and annoying. But you don't even mention the 100 Zen coins you need to get to 4 stars. Getting the tickets for 3 stars (plus 3000 tickets) and then another 100 parts and 100 Zen coins to get to 4 stars is excruciating. I finally have 2 tables at 4 stars and only 2...
  9. S

    Looks like Zen updated upgrade requirements

    I am still slogging to 3 stars on my least favorite tables (Junkyard, Safe Cracker, Party Zone) and I've only gotten one table to 4 stars (AFM), but that's a Zen coins issue rather than a parts issue at this point. Tickets are not coming super fast either, so I don't know how long it's going to...
  10. S

    Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies

    Does anybody know if the really old machines shown in HBO's "The Plot Against America" were real? We're talking early 1940's.
  11. S

    Fast iPad or Android Tablet on a Budget?

    How old is your iPad Air? Any current iPad will handle Williams Zen perfectly. Android, as usual, is more of a mixed bag.
  12. S

    Arcade1up Star Wars pinball

    Does pink sweatshirt guy work for Arcade1UP? If so, I can't believe he would be playing pinball like that. Even my 8-year-old doesn't push both flippers simultaneously for every shot. Makes me cringe just watching it!
  13. S

    Mac - Request Drag and drop?

    No, not possible. Did you buy them through Steam? If so, you can play tables you've purchased on Windows and Mac. If it was not through Steam, you can't switch platforms.
  14. S

    Thoughts on randomness and mechanical wear

    I had a very strange experience last night at my league. I was playing White Water in real life, assuming that by raising my right flipper, the lower left kickout would spit the ball up the right inlane for one or two RIVER letters and an easy catch. Most of the time, it went to the flipper...
  15. S

    I played Stranger Things!

    I got to play a game of Stranger Things last night for my league. Really cool. It actually reminded me a bit of AFM and MM in that you have to repeatedly hit the center drop targets to enter and start a mode (8 targets first time to spell out "WILL RUN!"; 12 targets second time to spell out...
  16. S

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    So I'm finally getting into the app on my iPad, and I've managed to get two tables to 3 stars without spending a dime, unlocking the 3rd challenge which helps a lot with unlocking more parts. But even with all the parts (another 100 to get to 4 stars each table!) I don't see how I could ever...
  17. S

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Is anybody still having ad-related bugs? On my iPad, after watching an ad (that x in the corner can't come soon enough), the screen will be frozen back in the app but you can still tap buttons (I know where the button will appear). I get the challenge reward, but I have to force quit to get...
  18. S

    Arcade1up Pinball?

    ETA Prime did a video: Clearly it's TPA but this is not mentioned at all in the narration.
  19. S

    Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies

    There was a Space Station machine prominently featured on The Goldbergs 10/23/19. I had never heard of Space Station before so I thought it was Space Shuttle just made generic until I looked it up on IPDB. Of course, they used generic pinball sounds instead of audio from the machine itself.
  20. S

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 guesses

    Remove the "m." in the URL to be able to view this much better on a computer:

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