I'm impressed. Hope to be able to do that to my TPA tables. Just as long the camera mod is easier to install into TPA than figuring out how to work Virtual Pinball.
Did y'all get the notice to change your password? It sure surprised me to get the message my Twitch account might have been hacked. Glad to see in the morning news is that it was everyone and just not me.
Has this happened before?
After a few attempts, I can't grasp the way to do it either. I bide my time and hope that someday the process will be easier for potential users like me. I want to enjoy ready-to-play tables that are plug-n-play and not have the ability to create some of the masterpieces that are in VP.
I want...
It must be my imagination but it seemed when they released version 16, the magnets seemed weaker and the table easier to play. Then again it might be my imagination.
Thanks for posting the way to install VP. I still get befaffled (baffled & befuddled) about the whole process. It's just me not you Jeff. It's sad I can't figure this out. There are all these great EM tables I want to play.
I have hope someday that I will figure this out or meet someone...
Howdy Mr. H and all. Freenode kicked me out of chat. They said they had sent several queries that were not answered. I don't what happened. I did fool the instruckions that S-Y-T sent me a last year. I'm a little lost about how to keep an established connection.
If I was FarSight, I'd be talking giving big cash to this person for his mod. They would make money from most of us for this, wouldn't they. I certainly pay.
Thanks NoEx, I'm bounding with joy. I've been sicker than sick this week. You made my day and my year with your first post. Camera...
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