PBA : Free Camera Mod

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I always thought people bought pro mode for the operator's menus, not so much for the table exploration camera.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
The question is to know if FS will accept to see their incomes drop. Because today, the only way to have a (poor) free camera control in TPA, is to pay 3 bucks more per table (and FS knows that, oh yeah, they know that...).

And this mod seems to offer a far better camera control... for free.
Yeah, that free camera mode isn't even really in-game camera, so it's quite pointless. Maybe FS have been hesitant about it because it'll allow us to investigate assets they may have cheaped out on texture-wise?

I'm super excited about this free cam mod. Does anyone know if the parameters that are being read/altered be transposed to the iOS version as well? I'm jailbroken and would kill for custom cameras on that, but have no idea what I'd need to change.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'm itching and scratching for this like some kind of addict. Can't wait at all!

Happy to test if you're looking for that sort of thing :)


New member
May 30, 2013
See this is the **** im on about!!!, NoEx has managed to knock this up with probably very little time and not much hassle yet i (and many others) have asked FS to add a free camera mode and they have always come back with some bull**** excuses that its not that easy to do. Well this just goes to show that yet again FS are talking out of their arse!!!. This is one of the main reasons why we dont have cab support after almost 3 yrs of TPA being released, complete bull****!!

Good job NoEx, any chance you might be able to add high res environmental textures as well, namely that damn floor...this is another thing thats been asked yet farsight complain that there are more important things to concentrate on, which there is, but its like a 30 minute job for a artist not 30 days like they seem to act!!

+1 :cool:


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Plot twist: NoEx is an anonymous account for a Farsite employee. Putting out features this way allows Pinball Arcade to have full cabinet support without forcing Farsight to commit to any support or updates of those features. It's a win/win!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well according to [MENTION=5267]NoEx[/MENTION], they're in France. [MENTION=4507]Dedpop[/MENTION] is in France too, so they must know each other, right?


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Plot twist: NoEx is an anonymous account for a Farsite employee. Putting out features this way allows Pinball Arcade to have full cabinet support without forcing Farsight to commit to any support or updates of those features. It's a win/win!



New member
Sep 22, 2013
This hack appears to allow the player to have a free camera mode to view the entire table, which is an enhanced option as part of the Pro purchase. That might be a problem.

They'd sell a lot more pro versions if it offered custom camera angles.

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