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  1. George Klepacz

    [PHOTO HEAVY] Pinball show in Ohio this weekend.

    No problem, I'm happy to share. As for the second part of what you said, check out my other recent thread, Post #8. :)
  2. George Klepacz

    [BOUGHT ONE!] I really want to buy a table. Buying advice?

    The pinball show I went to this past weekend made me obsessed. And an ad popped up on Craigslist yesterday I didn't want to pass up. It's in pretty decent shape. The play field has the usual raising arrows thing going on, but flippers are strong, rubber looks good, all lights working - I'm...
  3. George Klepacz

    [BOUGHT ONE!] I really want to buy a table. Buying advice?

    Well that didn't take long, I found a good deal on a pretty nice F-14 Tomcat. Can't wait to set it up later. :)
  4. George Klepacz

    [BOUGHT ONE!] I really want to buy a table. Buying advice?

    Already played with F-14, and yes, I will have a chance to try the others.
  5. George Klepacz

    Is the newsletter coming out today?

    Perhaps it's because it keeps people talking about the game?
  6. George Klepacz

    [PHOTO HEAVY] Pinball show in Ohio this weekend.

    No problem. Best I contribute to this forum as I'm very much a pinball novice. Didn't get the bug until PHOF:WC was released. I really wish I would have gotten into it a lot earlier.
  7. George Klepacz

    [BOUGHT ONE!] I really want to buy a table. Buying advice?

    Hi guys, I'm really getting an itch to purchase my first table. But, I don't know what to buy, best places to look, etc. At a local shop, they just had a Doctor Who table that I was interested in, but it sold an hour before I walked in. I had a chance to play it and enjoyed what I saw. I...
  8. George Klepacz

    [PHOTO HEAVY] Pinball show in Ohio this weekend.

    That's all of the photos and video I took. Wish it was better quality but I only had my phone.
  9. George Klepacz

    [PHOTO HEAVY] Pinball show in Ohio this weekend.

    They had a Tales of the Arabian Nights there that was set to Spanish.
  10. George Klepacz

    [PHOTO HEAVY] Pinball show in Ohio this weekend.

    Damn it! Why wasn't this set up! I didn't know who it belonged to either to ask about it. I want this table.

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