All these years of asking Farsight for EMs to no avail, and suddenly we find ourselves in an EM lovefest, and with lighting we only dreamed of. With FS only releasing 1 table per month they will never get to the EMs so if they can sub-let out the licences that would be excellent.
I did buy Pro for the seasons I have but it was never for that feature. I always think the Fly by camera which is free is more impressive that the Pro table zooming feature which as you say is pretty poor.
Some very nice EMs there - I particularly like the space or aviation themed tables. I think Ask are doing only 9 EMs in total though? I would still be happy to pay extra for the remaining tables on top of my Gold package.
They can't stop it if it isn't touching their code. This re-ignites my interest and a lot of people interest in TPA. I haven't bought the last 2 PC seasons as don't play TPA much nowadays. I was holding out for Cab support, but if this tool gets released I won't wait and will buy the two...
That is excellent news about the planned release - looking forward to seeing it. This will make some TPA tables playable again, because the portrait view on some is pretty poor at the moment. Also it will be nice to be able to see the Apron on some tables because on my cabinet the tables are so...
Like you said you might be conditioned to the TPA physics. To me it compares well with a real Pin and the ball control and aiming accuracy is really good. I would say it is up there with the best physics in a digital SIMs which include a well tuned VP physmod table (very good), Pro Pinball (the...
Many games with a strong community following will have mods (or add-ons is a better word) generated for them. If a game is popular it is inevitable that is will happen, and you can't really stop it. Probably better to embrace it and feel flattered that people care enough about your product...
I just got home and had a close look at the screenshots. Looks really nice, particulary the ability to save cameras per table. It is so frustrating in TPA to have inconsistent views in portrait from table to table. It is a shame Farsight haven't provided a way to set a bespoke camera, I have...
I also liked Age of Pinball some years ago when I had an iOS, but as most said the physics let it down. There were indeed some great designs, so if these get the new physics, lighting I would snap up any gold package offered on Android.
Many thanks jetcorder for making the video and taking photos of your 24" screen playing the Zaccaria app in portrait. It does look good on that big screen in portrait. The beauty is you can play with the cameras to your hearts content. Because the 4.2.x don't seem to support immersive mode, I...
Really like all of them especially the EMs, plus Strike, Shooting the Rapids. Don't like Stars Phoenix either, but not complaining.
Good news the boss loves Pinball as we are likely to see some more ;).
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