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  1. Sean DonCarlos

    Changing user name

    Gord Lacey, our administrator.
  2. Sean DonCarlos

    Comment by 'Sean DonCarlos' in article 'TPA Podcast #7 - Norm!'

    Article: TPA Barcade Podcast #7 - Norm! You can view the page at!
  3. Sean DonCarlos

    TPA Podcast #7 - Norm!

    Big treat for everyone in this edition of the Barcade. Norman Stepansky, audio director and producer at FarSight, sits down and discusses buying tables, audio quirks, Pinball After Dark, and more. Also Jared has tales of San Francisco, and Bonzo files a new Germany report, that somehow lasts...
  4. Sean DonCarlos

    I Played This for an Hour Straight Last Night - That Should Not Happen!

    I must have missed where they said this. Do you have the source handy by any chance?
  5. Sean DonCarlos

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    Sorry, I forgot to cover this in mod school. But yeah, one of us does generally close the speculation thread upon table announcement.
  6. Sean DonCarlos

    Pinball Arcade too easy and unchallenging

    Perhaps if I added pinballs with depleted-uranium cores to my two real machines, this statement would be true. Zen does many things well that FarSight does not, but physics is not one of them.
  7. Sean DonCarlos

    What is the most overrated table in TPA?

    This. I own an AC/DC, which has a nearly identical playfield to T2 (compare the two online if you don't believe me), but of course AC/DC's ruleset is more complicated than rocket science.
  8. Sean DonCarlos

    Pinball Arcade too easy and unchallenging

    It depends somewhat on the particular machine - drainy tables like Iron Man are usually have their tilts set somewhat more liberally than tables where players have a greater ability to control the ball - but in general most tournament machines will have tilts ranging from merely conservative to...
  9. Sean DonCarlos

    Why Don't My Secondary High Scores Save? / Why Doesn't Pro Mode Stay On?

    Problem: When you finish a game that has a secondary high score list (such as Medieval Madness's Castle/Joust/Peasant/Catapult/Damsel/Troll Champions, Twilight Zone's LITZ Champion, etc.), the score is not saved. Solution: These scores are lost when the ROM is reset to its "known state" at the...
  10. Sean DonCarlos

    Is "Pro" worth the extra money?

    This is not an official forum; FarSight has no control over what gets posted or removed here, nor do they exert any influence on the moderation team. I can tell you that all six of the current and former moderators have posted things that likely made FarSight's management cringe, such as the...
  11. Sean DonCarlos

    What is the best voiceover performance in The Pinball Arcade?

    The maximum number of options on a poll is 30, and this poll has 30, so he may have had to sacrifice a few to make room for others.
  12. Sean DonCarlos

    A Barrage of Polls

    OK, the polls have been moved to the new "Poll Dancing" section. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Sean DonCarlos

    A Barrage of Polls

    For whatever reason, we've picked up an excessive number of polls in the last couple of days. These polls are clogging up the general discussion area, and members have been complaining that there are too many of them, so I've temporarily hidden them until the mod team can come to a consensus on...
  14. Sean DonCarlos

    Request Texture question

    I doubt he could do that due to their licensing agreements.
  15. Sean DonCarlos

    Is "Pro" worth the extra money?

    Wouldn't "Heretic speak" just be "heresy"?
  16. Sean DonCarlos

    BlahCade Podcast Poll

    See here: A History of the Mic Drop
  17. Sean DonCarlos

    Pinball players assumed male?

    There are at least seven, because the league I was in last autumn had that many.
  18. Sean DonCarlos

    Pro Mode (Scared Stiff)

    You only have to change the actual Family Mode setting once. What you do have to do each time you fire up Scared Stiff is turn the operator mode itself back on, as it shuts itself off each time you exit the table. If operator mode is on at all, goals are disqualified, so you can't play the...
  19. Sean DonCarlos

    Battle the Power - Submit Your Tough Questions for the BlahCade Podcast, #8!

    Due to time constraints in Podcast #7, there was no LITZ, so if you wanted to submit a question and didn't yet, here's a second chance! And thanks to all who have submitted questions already!
  20. Sean DonCarlos

    How far behind wil we get?

    You're not new; you're Kemetman72 come back. Goodbye again.

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