You are over thinking it. I have hit it a bunch of times, once in the first few games even before I knew it was the big deal. And I am a beginner playing on the smaller Kindle Screen without nudge.
Speaking of which, for those of use without easy access to a nudge button that center gap is...
So I have played POTO now a couple dozen times, I am not a fan. The scoring seems weird, like the catwalk is the only thing that seems to matter. The center gap is massive which for someone playing on a smaller tablet is a real pain since nudging doesnt come easily. The table looks and sounds...
The movie was almost entirely soft colors and earth tones. That table is festive, it looks like a gay pride parade detouring through a Mexican restaurant.
I know a lot of tables are made by tech nerds with no sense of style but they should have the sense to at least find someone with a basic...
Garish still has a style, that bowling alley and movie were in a 70's California style. I remember that bowling alley well. It was open 24 hrs and was 10 minutes from my house. It was a shame that the idiots in LA city council decided to declare imminent domain and tore it down to build a...
Haunted House is one of my favorite tables but I still think doing a mod is a big mistake. I don't like the idea and I hope it is not part of the TPA tables. I like knowing I have all the tables and I don't want a fake table. And I would be totally pissed if it ends up as one of the season 4...
It's totally different than Orbals. Orbals has nothing to do with pinball it's a different game genre. A virtual pinball table would water down their brand. It may not bother you personally but there is a reason why companies are careful about their brands and this would be a classic no-no...
Doing a non-real world table seems weird. Simulating real world tables is what they do. Virtual tables would waters down their brand at least it would to me.
As if seeing the ball in El Dorado wasnt hard enough they make a new ball that will completely camouflage with the rest of the yellow on the play area.
Big Bear? Do you work at TPA... oh, yeah, I see it says "employee". What do you do there?
Also, we need a new poll. Somebody make one. I'd make one but I only got into all of this two months ago.
I would love a nudge function that feels natural on Kindle Fire. I can never get my thumbs to the nudge zone fast enough and the shake option is too sensitive so I tilt accidentally 30 seconds into play. It doesnt feel natural on landscape mode but atleast it is possible.
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