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  1. Reagan Dow

    First Impressions

    Thanks so much for the info. Let me know if it ever happens in TPA. Until then....repeat after me.."must get to 3 million in Genie"
  2. Reagan Dow

    How possible would it be for TPA to make CAPCOM's "Pinball Magic"

    Just dug up this old thread. Think it's a possibility these days?
  3. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Had it come out your nose that would of been the ultimate snarf!!!
  4. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Also very funny. I got the photo hosting sites from Jeff about a minute before you sent this. Thanks for the help.
  5. Reagan Dow

    First Impressions

    Thank you also for looking. I've asked before but never received one single answer. I thought it was odd since it's mentioned in far sights little blurb about the table. I think all they needed to say was. POTO will kick you in the NUTS period!! 'Nuff said
  6. Reagan Dow

    First Impressions

    That's Julien. Great photo. I wasn't even aware it was shown in the trailer. I would imagine if they say it can be done that the view would scroll upwards when it happens? Yes? So it totally random? Not some crazy combination shot(s)?
  7. Reagan Dow

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    It's a living NIGHTMARE. It makes Dracula look like a walk in the park!!
  8. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Mostly iOS (iPad mini retina) but I do have a power book although I have no idea how to do a screen capture on it. Is it possible I don't have permission to post pics? I also don't know how to start a thread, and actually--what does "sticky" mean on some threads? Sorry for all the Q's!
  9. Reagan Dow

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    I just love them BOTH!! Can't get enough although i do play more games of Whirlwind I guess if I were to analyze it. Obviously hard since we've only had Earthshaker for a month but I'm just happy to have both! Also I do like the accession all game of fun house too
  10. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Well at least I made a top 10 list this today on something. Number 5 on Ghost Busters (weekly) (Rags) Don't know how to post pictures. Help? Now if only I could hit top 10 on Genie I'd be over the moon!!
  11. Reagan Dow

    The High Scores on "Big Shot"

    Much easier then getting 3,000,000 on Genie damnit!!! ;)
  12. Reagan Dow

    Pinball machine owners list

    Are they not shipping any of the machines or just not allowed to import them to the US due to copy right bs? Thank god you got your money back!!!!
  13. Reagan Dow

    Pinball machine owners list

    Two EM's. Gotlieb "Oaklahoma" and Williams "Shoet stop" as well as Dig Dug, Scramble and Tempest atand-up arcade games.
  14. Reagan Dow

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Fathom 1st a foremost, paragon, and then Embryon. Embryon looks like a seriously cool wide body!!!
  15. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.2

    Me too! And maybe a little video of Circus to tide us over. ;)
  16. Reagan Dow

    Farsight at the Arcade Expo this weekend

    Took me a few seconds to realize what I was looking at. Tres' Cool!

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