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  1. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Now it's me that's ready to throw my iPad through the window!!!! Arrrrgggghhh. Maybe I should try it on ps4? I feel like I'm cheating though on that bc it's much easier
  2. Reagan Dow

    Best Rock N' Roll Pinball

    I'm with you Jeff! But I still love my GNR table!! Clarification: I still WANT a GNR table. I'd toss down a grand for a kick starter but with Axl R being the pleasant fellow he is I think I'm going to have to buy a real one!!
  3. Reagan Dow

    A master list of desired tables?

    I think it's a GREAT idea!
  4. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Dork!! Get your head back in the Game Julien!!!! Now!!!!
  5. Reagan Dow

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    I agree with you. It's a great table. I played it quite a bit when a local bar had it but unfortunately you couldn't really hear it (bummer). Hope to have it if After Dark ever comes out!!
  6. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.2

    I have mine set to swipe and I don't remember changing it but perhaps I did. Either way it does save. Perhaps try doing it on some different tables? Sorry I couldn't be more help
  7. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    Yeah yeah....I bow to you!! ;)
  8. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club...week 1 : GENIE

    It's king of like getting the extra ball in HRC. Pure luck once it's lit. ;)
  9. Reagan Dow

    2014 TPA Resolution Thread

    Yeah..,I'd be curios to see you take on ST:TNG as well. I'm sure you could do it if you tried!!
  10. Reagan Dow

    2014 TPA Resolution Thread

    I just bought season one on ps4 and don't see any goals at all?!
  11. Reagan Dow

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    He's right actually, I do remember that being said. HOWEVER what FS says and what the DO sometimes are totally different ie: an EM will be in each of seasons 4 and 5
  12. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club!

    I was wondering if that what it was actually. What exactly is the event cam? Does it just pull back farther so you can see the whole table? Thanks for the tip.
  13. Reagan Dow

    Table of the Week Club!

    Last time I played I had my best game but when I hit a multi ball (I believe) the screen didn't follow the ball and all the balls drained and that was it. If I remember correctly when I reported it that was a known glitch? Not sure, but I believe so. So, I've been reluctant to play again because...
  14. Reagan Dow

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    This should have been first. Thank you Julien. Apparently I have "zero knowledge" but thanks for having my back
  15. Reagan Dow

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    I agree with everything you said whiz!!
  16. Reagan Dow

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    Ok OBVIOUSLY DID NOT READ WHAT I WROTE. I said something to the effect of " I'm sure I played it but I can't really remember, I've spent a lot of time recently looking at the play field, I specifically said I COMPLETELY understand why someone would want it since there were so many...
  17. Reagan Dow

    Bug Lost in the Zone wizard goal did not register PS4

    That sucks. Well, at least now you have another reason to waste an hour or so on TZ. :(

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