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  1. George Klepacz

    Another eternity until DLC 1 is released.

    You can't go earlier? ;)
  2. George Klepacz

    Another eternity until DLC 1 is released.

    Now would be a good time for me because I have the funds. But my first year wedding anniversary is coming up in August so my money will be tied up for that. And conspiracy or not, it definitely sounds plausible.
  3. George Klepacz

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.8 Bugs

    Android Sony Tablet S. "Gorgar. Speaks.". Yet, he doesn't.
  4. George Klepacz

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.8 Bugs

    I'd like to know this as well. I thought that the big thing of TPA's tables over the ones in PHOF was not only improved physics, but the emulation too.
  5. George Klepacz

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Pin-wiz, since you seem to have prior knowledge of things, have you heard when the mechanical sounds overhaul is going to happen? It doesn't sound like it was included in this new update (Android). Just curious.
  6. George Klepacz

    Comment by 'George Klepacz' in article 'MONSTER BASH And GORGAR Arrive On Android And iOS'

    I'm very happy with the way this pack was released. I really didn't expect anything since there haven't been videos.
  7. George Klepacz

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    I hope the minor technical issues isn't the new blurry look that last update brought to the core tables. Arguing this would be silly. (I'm basing this on the photos I've seen of the updated tables, I don't own a Vita.)
  8. George Klepacz

    DLC Release Date

    Pin-Wiz, with your proposed release schedule, what if their submission is rejected?
  9. George Klepacz

    Round 2: Post Your Questions For Bobby King

    I'm curious about this too. Also, is the June update still going to include the revamped sounds? Will future releases have a changelog?
  10. George Klepacz

    @FarSight...Please Remove The Sound Overlapping The ROM Sound When Entering Initials

    Yes, all systems. My PS3, 360, and Android devices do this. We don't think it's a bug, but rather a design choice by the Farsight crew. A design choice we'd like to see changed.:D
  11. George Klepacz

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    I just pledged $100. I'm hoping we get both tables in one Kickstarter, but if not, I'll live.
  12. George Klepacz

    Official Twilight Zone News

    The rewards are definitely not what I care about or I wouldn't pledge. A frickin' wallpaper?! Are you kidding me? Who doesn't own Photoshop? Twilight Zone is the reward! :)
  13. George Klepacz

    @FarSight...Please Remove The Sound Overlapping The ROM Sound When Entering Initials

    I've mentioned this a few times and no one seemed to feel the same way. I feel better now, thanks Pin-Wiz! This issue bothers me a lot actually, especially when I have my tablet connected to my stereo or car speakers. Ruins the original creators' intended presentation. Kind of like Pan and...
  14. George Klepacz

    Next DLC is Monster Bash and Gorgar

    This pack will make 10 tables, does that mean we will also see some new modes added to the game? Looking forward to see how different Gorgar is from the HOF collection.
  15. George Klepacz

    Official Twilight Zone News

    LOL, I can't argue with that! I'm happy we'll get to see TZ from what I hear about how great this table is. I'll be surprised if we get both tables in one Kickstarter project, but I'd be really happy if we did. Come on Trekkies! Help us out! I can't tell my wife, but I think I'll be...
  16. George Klepacz

    Q&A with Bobby King: Round 1

    Something as simple as this thread goes a long way, thanks for answering our questions, Bobby!
  17. George Klepacz

    Official Twilight Zone News

    Marketing is definitely not their strong suit.
  18. George Klepacz

    New VP version of Black Hole is out, and boy, are there differences!

    I hope Farsight eventually updates and makes Black Hole a complete table, not a close remake.

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