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  1. zmcvay

    Ultimate Challenge Strategy?

    Finally got the goal, felt good. Same strategy, build up smart punches, take on the 1st 2 fights normally. Quickly dispose of fights 3-5 with KO combos. That built up the # of combos needed high enough so I didn't trigger the bug in the challenge. Got into a pattern on Ultimate challenge at...
  2. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    Got this response today from Farsight via a Kickstarter message I sent earlier "Looks like there is a bug in the iOS unlocks that will be patched tomorrow. Once that comes in, you will probably have to log out and back in again one more time."
  3. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    The fields don't really support multiple accounts. I just placed my account info in the survey and sent the request with the different accounts I'm gifting to in a separate email through Kickstarter. I don't know why the survey doesn't account for different recipients for each reward, I would...
  4. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    Last campaign I just sent a message through Kickstarter to Farsight with the emails or PSN IDs of the people I was gifting the extra copies to. Didn't have any issues.
  5. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    Quick question, was it mentioned if the season pass will include the "regenerated" Dr. Who Table? Edit: NM, apparently so, finally found on the comments board: "FarSight Studios on February 9 The regenerated tables are not exclusive. They will be available individually or part of the Season...
  6. zmcvay

    Finally got an iPad, woohoo

    Was tempted to get the Steam version, it looks good. But unfortunately I got caught up in the Unsung Story fiasco a couple years back, and I can't see myself giving Playdek any more money until they make that situation right.
  7. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    Actually, thank you Spork for starting this thread, I had completely forgotten I had two Season 6 pass rewards from that Kickstarter. Would have been embarrassing if I bought a 3rd.
  8. zmcvay

    Season 6 Kickstarter Entitlements

    There were only 300ish backers that qualify for the season 6 passes as opposed to the 2000+ who backed for just the Doctor Who table, so I don't think it will be part of the survey. I imagine an email will get released, same as it did for the Addams Family Gold table reward. Season 6 passes...
  9. zmcvay

    New UI Public Beta

    Couldn't see if this has been asked, but is there a reverse sort option? Handier to have the tables I need to complete goals on at the top rather than the bottom. One suggestion for a future update, when selecting goals, year or manufacturer as a sort option, it would be nice to have that info...
  10. zmcvay

    Favorite and least favorite wizard modes in TPA

    2nd vote for ST:TNG for favorite, it's great how your jackpot in Final Frontier depends on how many artifacts you've collected, making the wizard mode feel like something you have truly built towards. Dunno about least favorite, but in recent memory LAH "World Premier" always feels like a...
  11. zmcvay

    Zaccaria Pinball - PC Steam beta

    Key was in my inbox this morning. Hopefully everyone else has theirs now. Thank you Zsolt, looking forward to giving this a roll tonight!
  12. zmcvay

    Finally got an iPad, woohoo

    Yeah, that's what I figured. I'm going to keep a close eye on sales/refurbished, those things are pricey.
  13. zmcvay

    Zaccaria Pinball - PC Steam beta

    Same here, tried a reply to the indiegogo email and an email through the indiegogo site.
  14. zmcvay

    Finally got an iPad, woohoo

    Been resisting an Ipad purchase for years, but that list of board games, plus playing FTL (one of the best games I've played on the PC in the last five years) on the go.... Sigh. I'll have to save that list for when I finally break down and buy one. Thanks for the suggestions however, that's a...
  15. zmcvay

    Standard/Wizard Goals Progress

    18 tables left with unfinished Wizard Goals at this point, most with 1 or 2 left, Fish Tales and Rescue 911 have three goals remaining each. I haven't been shooting to clear Wizard Goals in awhile, but I'm starting to pick a few of the remaining ones off again. The ones I'm sure aren't...
  16. zmcvay

    PC - Bug Extra Ball doesn't trigger table goal

    It took until the 3rd time I collected it, but it finally triggered for me on Steam. Got it from the right lane instead of the left (where I collected it the first 2 times). Don't know if that made a difference.
  17. zmcvay

    Every Pinball is Connected

    By my count, 19 tables to go. Red + Ted to Harley Davidson: Accumulate miles to travel between cities.
  18. zmcvay

    Every Pinball is Connected

    Junkyard to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Starship combat.
  19. zmcvay

    Every Pinball is Connected

    Which leaves the tables that have not been added to the chain yet: Big Shot Black Knight Black Rose Black Hole Cactus Canyon Centaur Central Park Cue Ball Wizard El Dorado : City Of Gold El Dorado Firepower Frankenstein Genie Gorgar Harley Davidson (3rd Edition) Haunted House High-Speed The...
  20. zmcvay

    Every Pinball is Connected

    Hope no one minds, but I thought a sum-up would be useful at this point. Thanks to Snorzel for suggesting the game in the first place! Below are only the entries that form a continuous chain: Fireball -> Whirlwind -> No Good Gophers(spinning discs) No Good Gophers -> F14 (Ripoff) F14 -> Last...

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