I won't touch Facebook with a ten foot poll. I am so happy for this fantastic for forum. It is my electronic social media site and it's about one of my favorite things, pinball. I want to thank Gord, PinWiz and Jeff for keeping this forum a fun and friendly place for us pinball lovers.
That's the reason I buy most Pro Packs is for the table exploration option. I really wish they would offer this option for all the tables in TPA. I would pay a buck per table to see details in the tables I have never played before TPA.
A good example is Space Shuttle. I've looked at all the...
This is great news. I am really looking forward to having TPA on Steam.
SInce I've learned the news, my brain now has the Green Light financial service jingle going through my head.
It would be nice to have TPA games transferable to different platforms, but FarSight needs the income from...
I've played many RT machines while sitting on a bar stool: Gorgar and BK comes to mind. I've also danced like Rick Stetta. That was back in the 80's after a long night out at the dance clubs and then going to another bar at opened at 6am on Sat and Sun to listen more New Wave and dancing to...
"Round and round she goes where she stops nobody knows." From Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour: sponsored by Geritol. Back in the time when things were referred to as she instead of it, that is when this program aired.
I like the idea, but there are more important issues. Then again, don't...
How could any small business give up a month of secure income (FarSight accountants and executives know the least amount of income that will be generated by any new release of every platform.)
My thought is to do a "Kickstarter" campaign to hire a contract employee to work on bugs and other...
Yep Jeff, those cannons are pretty awesome and I still can't hit the broad side of a barn with them. I'd probably be less cranky about the cannons and the outlanes if I could play this table better.
ST:TNG was the first RT I could put $2.00 for five plays and not win a game on merit. :(
Props that obscure the outlanes of a table has bugged me for years. It's one reason I hardly played ST-TNG when the RT came out. I also seldom play the TPA version for the same reason.
Another crappy first ball. That's why I play two players. The second player is dedicated to one who's not of this world anymore and he usually beats my first player score.
Thanks Russell for the wonderful news that TPA and FarSight have grown strong and established roots within the real and virtual world of pinball during their first year of existence . I love TPA as much as a person who's invested money in the company and desires a big return on their...
Please pardon the my confusion for not giving you the credit you deserve Crush3d; since I'm 54, I call an "old fart " moment for not realizing, you, Crush3d was the one who created this wonderful interactive thread. It helps promote healthy interaction within the "Pinball Arcade Fans Forum"...
grasshopper, I understand your pain. I again chocked on your first ball challenge, my score was 366,320. A wee bit better than you. I really appreciate this thread you started grasshopper, it promotes socialization within the Pinball Arcade Forum.
Who Dunnit is one of my top five games. This table is one of the most unique pinball experiences you can experience . The DMD and sound track of this machine are essential to mastering this game. You have to pay attention to the clues so you can pick the right suspect; because Trixie is...
The news that we might have Android control for TPA soon has my neck singing "There's a brand new day on the horizon" by Elvis. After an hour or so looking down on my tablet, my decrepit ol' neck starts hurting.
Also the news about Ouya is pretty exciting for me. I am disabled and have a low...
Just out of curiosity; if the tables listed above fills out the year, does that mean there is going to be only one table release a month. There are nine months of the year left after March and there are nine tables listed.
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