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  1. PiN WiZ

    The Pinball Arcade ANNOUNCED For PlayStation 4!!!...Preliminary Details INSIDE!

    FarSight Studios Lead Designer Bobby King announced today on both the US and European PlayStation Blogs that they are currently working on the PS4 engine and that The Pinball Arcade is on its way to the Playstation 4! Announced features include rendering tech for per pixel ray casting, area...
  2. PiN WiZ

    Two New Mods!

    I already had certain privileges such as posting news articles on the front page of the forum and some extra control over my own threads, but I've never had full mod privileges until now.
  3. PiN WiZ

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    UPDATE Quick update...more to follow later this evening! • The Texas Pinball Festival kicked off today and FarSight Studios is in attendance. If you're going to be in the Dallas, Texas area this weekend, be sure to stop by the festival where you can meet with some of the wonderful staff from...
  4. PiN WiZ

    Two New Mods!

    I'll try my best to keep the safety on as long as humanly possible. ;)
  5. PiN WiZ


    I'm hoping this means that all solid state table releases will be ROM emulated from here on out with only electro-mechanical table releases being scripted. While I'm more than happy to see Black Knight being updated with full ROM emulation first, I'm hoping the other four released scripted solid...
  6. PiN WiZ

    Master Issues List: Cirqus Voltaire

    That would probably be the best route and I'm sure Gord will get you all set up...good luck!
  7. PiN WiZ

    Master Issues List: Cirqus Voltaire

    Did you want to allow others to post in these threads or would you prefer to keep them clean?
  8. PiN WiZ

    Master Issues List: Cirqus Voltaire

    Would you mind color coding the status of each, blue=open, green=fixed. By the way, thanks for taking the time to do's very much appreciated. I'll delete this post as soon as you reply.
  9. PiN WiZ

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    What, may I ask, do you think Zen is going to do for next generation systems?
  10. PiN WiZ

    Request can we get some gottlieb DLC?

    Here's my Gottlieb wishlist : • Joker Poker • Haunted House • Bone Busters Inc. • Cactus Jack's • Class of 1812 • Operation Thunder • Wipe Out • Rescue 911
  11. PiN WiZ

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    I get what everyone is saying, but updating and optimizing the current tables will be more work than most of you think. FarSight will have to work on evolving and optimizing the current physics system to include ball spin, more sophisticated flipper physics and point lighting where lights would...
  12. PiN WiZ

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    If you guys are talking about importing TPA tables to the PS4 and new Xbox as is, then yes, I think we should be able to do this free of charge. However, if you're expecting FarSight to allow us to download graphically updated and optimized tables (which is what I want to play on my shiny new...
  13. PiN WiZ

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    My point hardware means more development costs for FarSight. Can someone please name one game they purchased on the PS2 or original Xbox that carried over to the PS3 or Xbox 360?
  14. PiN WiZ

    Can you transfer purchases from a Mac to an iPhone or iPad?

    No...just install both versions on your iPhone, reboot your phone, log in then restore purchases.
  15. PiN WiZ

    Can you transfer purchases from a Mac to an iPhone or iPad?

    Are the apps on your iPhone and iPad both the free or paid version, or do you have the free version installed on one device and the paid version installed on the other device?
  16. PiN WiZ

    Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

    Personally, I would rather FarSight spend the extra time to fully upgrade and optimize every released table to fully take advantage of the PS4 and new Xbox (720?) hardware to make the presentation and gameplay of the tables as close to the real tables as possible. Of course this would come with...
  17. PiN WiZ

    1.12.0 Beta

    Thanks for the info Ryan...hopefully you can run this by Bobby in one of your meetings. EDIT : Any chance you can center the scoreboard in portrait view on Central Park? Also, the Central Park logo needs to be moved down a bit on the table fly-over screen so that it's not covering the...
  18. PiN WiZ


    Thanks Mike...that really puts a smile on my face and I'm glad to hear that you guys haven't completely ruled out ROM emulating Black Hole, Firepower, Genie and Gorgar.
  19. PiN WiZ


    This was great to hear in the recent interview with Bobby. I was wondering if you guys now plan to ROM emulate the rest of the older solid state tables such as Gorgar, Firepower, Black Hole, Space Shuttle, etc. since you having been working on emulating the older MPU's? I understand that all EM...
  20. PiN WiZ

    1.12.0 Beta

    Ryan, this is not a bug, but merely a suggestion. When you release new tables, have you guys ever thought about listing the next follow-up tables with a "coming soon" banner in the "New Tables" section to advertise what's coming next to keep people (including those who don't subscribe to your...

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