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  1. P


    - I have been racking up big points (albeit slowly) just by hitting the trap door over and over and over. pretty safe kickout, pretty safe shot. if you miss the trap door on the low side, it's always catchable on the left flipper for another try. - post pass from left to right is 100% safe...
  2. P

    Double Score Impossible?

    I can get the double score. 28.9 million is my best so far. (iPad 2)
  3. P

    iOS version 4.1.0 #3 (Phantom Of The Opera) Discussion & Feedback

    not sure if this is the right thread, but found this bug. I input my name at the high score list as "PEZ" (as normal) but it showed up with a weird wrong character in place of the "P", and put my score in second place instead of first. (also, at the time, it looks like this is a top-ten score!)
  4. P

    PAPA gives Farsight a shout out

    I own a Funhouse (a really nice one, too). On mine, the kickout can be trapped almost every time on the right flipper, but it usually doesn't have enough juice to dead pass to the left flipper.
  5. P

    The Addams Family - Progress Thread

    because they will never sell enough for that to be profitable. kickstarters aren't charity, and nobody is claiming they are, so you can drop that straw man. it's pretty simple: FarSight gets hounded every day for The Addams Family. They know they can't pay for the license themselves and...
  6. P

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    the outlanes aren't an issue if you make your shots! ;) also you are right that it's very hard to hit the lock shot, if you are trying to do it from the left in-lane feed. the trick is to hit from a cradle or a very slow roll (say from a dead pass). I won the STTNG kickstarter tournament...
  7. P

    The Pinball Arcade table ratings

    baffling to me how totan and tom can be ahead of sttng. :/
  8. P

    Table Aspect Ratios

    every pinball machine plays differently. the one you played may have happened to have a shot that is easier than most examples.
  9. P

    Game Order

    i must be the only person who misses Jive Time :)
  10. P

    Not sure if bug: Beta Quadrant ramp registers failed shot?

    what zaphod said. real machine acts the same way. also, "launch probe" might count as successful even if it doesn't make it all the way up -- that might be by design. I never pick "Launch Probe" (why would you??) so I'm not sure.
  11. P

    Lights...Camera...Action! Photos

    Black Hole would like a word with you.
  12. P

    June Tournaments?

    Seems like this release could have used an extra week of testing...
  13. P

    ST:TNG Tactics and Strategies

    yeah, I would bet that left post on the right ramp is the primary cause of those left outlane powerdrains. if you are going for the beta ramp, LATE is better than EARLY :) . also, the ball often falls from the pops directly into the left outlane (something I have not seen my game at home do)...
  14. P

    Request Some tips and tactics please

    Yeah somehow I got it when I didn't even have a million points in the whole game.
  15. P

    What's so special about special?

    i am not sure you can make lancet statements like that about a game -- one B2K might have a repeatable pattern while another doesn't, due to differences in wear, flipper position, coil strengths, the angle the game is set at, and even the settings. honestly if a game has an easily-repeatable...
  16. P

    ST:TNG Tactics and Strategies

    interesting. what's godly? my highest is 108 billion (when i won the STTNG kickstarter tournament) but i haven't played it again in forever -- major burnout! :) edit: shoulda finished reading before responding! had no idea the spinner could get up that high. very cool.
  17. P

    iOS v3.4.0 Discussion and Feedback

    that's an odd ........ easter egg. does it roll funny, or is it just a skin?
  18. P

    Bug Challenge Mode

    I liked the old PHOF challenge mode better -- in the old version, you didn't lose one of your three credits as long as you made the minimum score. That way you could keep trying for a truly good score on a table, as long as you could reliably make the minimum.
  19. P

    Is most running Pinball Arcade on mobile phones and tablets?

    because i can't lug my living room TV to the bathroom, bedroom, doctors office, five guys, etc.

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