on mine, the third ball on the upper playfield always gets stuck at the top of the chute and multiball doesn't start. if i nudge, it knocks the ball back out onto the playfield, but as far as i can tell there is no way right now to start multiball on this table. i'm on iPad2 by the way.
Device: iPad2
OS: iOS 7.1.0
Table: Black Knight
Bug: This is a major issue. Not sure if this is iOS specific or not, but it is impossible to start 3-ball multiball by locking three balls on the upper playfield. I think this is the primary way people normally get to multiball, and right now...
i'm getting "network connection timed out" over and over, each time after it spins or 10 minutes or so. anyone else? there's absolutely nothing wrong with my internet connection....
haha throughout the 80s and 90s and even into the 2000s, EVERY time a kid was shown playing a video game, even if it was like, Doom or Mortal Combat or something, the sound effects would be Atari 2600 Pac-Man.
Don't use my machine as a baseline for how accurate FarSight did visually -- I have dozens of mods in there. I Redid all the lighting, replaced all the ships with custom ones, added side mirrors inside the game, rigged the shuttle craft and Klingon ship to light up, etc. etc
Actually FarSight did get it right - the game's display is Amber-only. The ColorDMD I have in there is an aftermarket mod that came out last year. Crazy that companies are still actively developing mods for these 20 year old machines, eh?? The colorDMD really is an awesome mod.
My high score on TPA's STTNG is 108 Billion. The one in my basement? I top out around 17 billion. TPA got the drain-monster aspect exactly right in my opinion. The real version ABSOLUTELY punishes you for missing shots or slapping the ball around without purpose. It can be very frustrating...
64GB is the amount of hard drive space, not the amount of RAM your device has. Disk space doesn't impact performance. All first gen iPads have the same amount of RAM.
Oh - I'm on ipad2 and can confirm I definitely noticed those octagonal rings a while back. BoP was in a recent tournament and I noticed it then. I mean they were like that prior to the most recent update.
The philosophical / semantic argument about what is truly random is beside the point. All we really mean is the inability to know with 100% precision what the ball is going to do in certain kick out or exit ramp situations. On a real machine, the ball is affected by virtually infinite...
The problem is if I play Funhouse it's a 4 hour game. Worse, I can't pause and take a break to pee or whatever because the ipad will go to sleep and TPA will crash.
In any TPA tournament in which Funhouse appears, or on the leaderboard, the "game" simply becomes who has the greatest number...
I could buy this explanation if it were an Apple update that caused us all to suddenly have this issue, but it wasn't. it was a FarSight update that introduced the problem.
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