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  1. P

    iOS 7.0.2 has been released...

    I updated my iPad 2 from 6-something to 7.0.2 last night. it crashed and went into recovery mode and I had to restore factory settings. However, after I restored my apps (had no trouble restoring purchases for TPA) the game seemed at least as smooth as before. No issues to report (other than...
  2. P

    Bug Wizard Goals unlocked from the start?

    i'm not sure if it is that or if the goal is mistakenly cumulative across multiple games, but the same bug was present on iOS.
  3. P

    iOS - Bug Gumball habitrail bug extension

    yeah, I've seen that a bunch of times, where a ball seems to get stuck at the apex of the gumball habitrail and just repeats the clicking sound forever. I don't think it's ever resulted in an unplayable game, though.
  4. P

    Rock Around the Clock Bug on IOS FIXED

    nope, depending on the game, there can be LOTS of rights-holders involved. for example, you have to make sure you have the permission of any actor whose likeness appears on the machine, as well as the publisher of any music that plays. there are also further franchise-related complications --...
  5. P

    Extraball at 1300 points?

    yeah, it's working as intended. you get up to something like 20 balls. it seems broken but it's not. games finish in a reasonable amount of time.
  6. P

    Farsight Studios has a new website! :D

    hahaha. I mean, the animation looks alright, but do they REALLY want to pay for 11 megabytes of data for EVERY pageview of their homepage? kind of insane in my opinion, but it doesn't really hurt the usability of the site, so what do I care.
  7. P

    Pinball Arcade: "Tiered Tournament!" Talkback

    got bumped up to silver. yay.
  8. P

    Request Never know when a tournament is going on.

    why in the world should I have to sign up for facebook or twitter to be alerted to events happening within a video game? crazy idea: how about the video game somehow lets us know?
  9. P

    How much would an Addams Family pinball kickstarter be?

    how is this a bad thing??? the more the merrier!
  10. P

    Pinball Arcade: "Tiered Tournament!" Talkback

    you can play each table as many times as you like.
  11. P

    Pinball Arcade: "Tiered Tournament!" Talkback

    haven't had time to play more than 5 minutes in the current tournament, but was a little surprised i was bronze league. i finished 2nd or 3rd in the first TPA tournament (the one with like a dozen machines?), placed about 8th in the TZ tournament, and i won the STTNG tournament. *shrug* no...
  12. P

    Android - Bug Ball goes through back of Neutral Zone/Command Decision holes.

    I think it is just another symptom of the framerate of the physics engine -- it passes through the back wall of the command decision hole between frames, and so it never collides. something like that. it happens on a lot of tables.
  13. P

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

    Black Hole is my favorite too. And yes I've played some other tables. All of them in fact. A lot. Overall I am like 20th or so I think in total PHOF points. won the mobile STTNG tournament with 108 billion yesterday. my high score on Funhouse is 499 million. And I love the DMD games. but...
  14. P

    Nudging Overpowered?

    right. it gives you the benefit of the doubt since there's no way for an iPad to accurately simulate the experience of pushing around a 300 lb machine with a great deal of finesse. so it assumes you're one of the greats :)
  15. P

    Nudging Overpowered?

    in real life, nudging is HARD, but believe me, truly great nudgers can be just as effective as it is in TPA! Obviously we aren't all truly great nudgers, but at least on iOS, there just isn't a way to implement much beyond the TIMING of the nudge. the implementation of how hard and the...
  16. P

    ROM Crash during Final Frontier ?

    I've seen that happen too.
  17. P

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

    haha sorry, forgot I was 3 pages behind :)
  18. P

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation" do you emulate an EM?
  19. P

    Bug iOS Version 2.7.0 Bugs

    that target works for me as well.

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