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  1. P

    Pinball machine owners list

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Black Hole
  2. P

    HOF points: What's your lowest point tables

    yeah i had what i thought was a completely nuts awesome game of whitewater and was kinda shocked to only get 100 points for it :) like almost everyone else, Cactus Canyon and Dr. Dude are my lowest totals by far. i think i have like 15 points on dude and maybe 20 on cactus canyon? i do have a...
  3. P

    ST:TNG Tactics and Strategies

    yep, that happened to me during my best game. the DMD was frozen during an animation, the balls were all gone, music playing. attendant said ball not stuck. couldn't tilt.
  4. P

    Lane change question

    sttng is the same, which makes sense -- it's a williams from the same era.
  5. P

    Scores not saving to leaderboards

    Have you tried logging out of gamecenter and the farsight leaderboards and back in?
  6. P

    This seems a lot harder than the real life version.

    Hold the right flipper during kick out to avoid a 30% drain chance.
  7. P

    iOS - Bug When starting a new game after just finishing one

    Yeah I've seen that. Mildly annoying but not a show stopper.
  8. P


    Disagree with op. if anything, it's underrated. One of the top two tables ever made.
  9. P

    Side by side comparison with a real table (part 2)

    hmm, i own a ST:TNG table and i have to say i find the outlanes on the real deal are at least if not more voracious than the TPA version. i wonder if the one you played had the (fairly common) outlane extenders installed.
  10. P

    What a challenge!

    On the real machine, my top score is about 3.5 billion, which I've gotten twice -- once through two good Borg Multiballs, and once through Final Frontier (both on 3-ball games, no buy-ins). I am starting to think letting ALL missions time out except Rescue (and MAYBE Battle Simulation if it has...
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    What a challenge!

    You can gain artifacts by completing the holodeck simulation or by advancing to Warp 8 (the first time it gives an extra ball, an artifact all subsequent times).
  12. P

    What a challenge!

    the default replay setting on STTNG is 400 Million. Also, maybe i'm wrong, but i thought the whispered "good luck" was Q, not Picard, which would make the mocking tone much more consistent with the character.
  13. P

    Bug Compilation

    yeah, i've seen that. annoying.
  14. P


    As a Black Hole owner in real life, I feel like TPA's BH is close enough to the real thing now that emulation isn't worth the effort! (BK is of course another matter:) )
  15. P

    Billion Point Speed-Run

    this is a cool idea :)
  16. P

    The single return lane at the lower left

    yeah i was gonna say ... that is a semi-common mod that people do on older, brutal machines.
  17. P

    "Impossible" goals due to bugs

    I don't see what's so impossible about BFTK (i understand the bomb bug). I mean sure, it's hard, but hardly in the same realm as 3M on Genie.
  18. P

    ST:TNG Tactics and Strategies

    interesting. tell me about what you do to raise the jackpot, and when you decide to start borg multiball, etc.
  19. P

    What do the Star Lamps signify?

    i am pretty sure the star lamps stay lit through multiple balls. never been able to figure out what they mean.

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